- 下一章讨论动词。The next chapter deals with verbs.
- 下一章讨论动词.The next chapter deals with verbs.
- 下一next
- 下一章讨论了权利、组织机构中权利的取得和使用。The next chapter discusses power and its acquisition and use in organizations.
- 章section
- 将在下一章加以研究的,乃是化合物为什么受这一定律的支配。It is why compounds obey this law that will be studied in the next chapter.
- 前一章讨论的基本上是应用于薄球面透镜系统的傍轴理论。The preceding chapter, for the most part, dealt with paraxial theory as applied to thin spherical lens systems.
- 这部电视剧的下一集将于星期五播映。The next episode of this television movie will be shown on Friday.
- 第四部分头一章讨论了硝基化合物及有关结构。The chapter on nitrocompounds and related structures heads Part IV.
- 为了赚钱我写了一本短篇传记集,与此同时,我期待着开始写下一部小说。I wrote a book of short biographies as a pot boiler while waiting to begin work on my next novel.
- 其中几点将在下一章作详细阐述。Some of these points will be elaborated in the following chapter.
- 这一章讨论作者在前一章略而不谈的那些题目。This chapter deals with the topics the author missed in previous chapter.
- 轮空在比赛的某一回合中未逢对手,因而直接进入下一轮比赛The position of one who draws no opponent for a round in a tournament and so advances to the next round.
- "我们已安排了主讲人并订下了会议厅。下一步做什么?""We've arranged for the principal speakers and booked the conference hall. What's the next step?"
- 他买下一幢带有家具的漂亮的房子。He bought a lovely house complete with furniture.
- 一些新情况有待本书最后一章来讨论。The newer climate is discussed in the final chapter of this book.
- 道歉:不及物动词,为下一次的冒犯筑下基石。APOLOGIZE, v.i. To lay the foundation for a future offence.
- 由于这并非一个简单的话题,所以留待第12章详细论述,那一章是专门讨论别名的。This is a nontrivial topic, so it is left for Appendix A, which is devoted to aliasing.
- 那个农夫掰下一块面包就着乳酪吃起来了。The farmer twisted off a piece of bread to eat with his cheese.
- 他们砍下一棵树在小溪上架起一座桥。They chopped down a tree to bridge the stream.