- 小型的一层楼的住宅,前面通常有一个突出的走廊。A small, one-storey home built in a turn of the century style, often with a prominent front verandah.
- 救援活动持续了三天。The rescue operation lasted three days.
- 指的就是洪水的高度约有一层楼高。Flood waters up to one storey high.
- 每三天一次every three days
- 层layer
- 白天一天一天变短,因为已是九月初了。The days were drawing in, for it was early September.
- 我保证这一工作在三天内完成。I bargain that the job will be done in three days.
- 她住在同一幢住宅内,再上一层楼就是她家。She lives in the same project, one flight up.
- 他每隔三天来看他的父母一次。He comes to see his parents every three days.
- 但在一层楼有一间双人房间。But there's a double room on the first floor.
- 他们在纽约闲逛了三天。They strayed about in New York for three days.
- 在上面的一层楼上,他打开了一间小屋,屋里有一张床,一张书桌,一部电话,一个衣柜。On an upper floor he opens the door of a small room containing a bed, a desk, a telephone and a bureau.
- 灾害性的风暴持续了三天。The wicked storm lasted three days.
- 接连下了三天雨。It rained three days successively.
- 他们住在下一层楼。They live on the floor below.
- 治疣的方法是,患者必须将水泼洒在疣处一天一次,持续做三个礼拜。The cure for warts requires the sufferer to sprinkle the well water on the wart once a day for three weeks.
- 在那边下一层楼后乘自动扶梯。Take the escalator over there down one floor.
- 他们的老师给他们三天时间完成作业。Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment.
- 你必须在三天内搬走。You must vacate the premises in three days.
- 他们以极低的价格买下这层楼,几年后沽出,赚到一大笔钱。They bought the flat for a song and sold it a few years later at a good profit.