- 万有引力常数变化的最终启发Final Demystification of the gravitational constant variation
- 万有引力常数Ggravitational constant G
- 物体自由下落与万有引力常数The Free Falling of Bodies and the Constant of Universal Gravitation
- 安培力补偿型扭称法测量万有引力常数Tofsion Balance Compensated with Ampere Force for Measuring the Gravitational Constant
- 万有引力gravity
- 引常数universal gravitation constant
- 万有引力定律the law of gravity
- 常数econstant e
- GML常数General matching law constant
- (物理)牛顿引力定律中将力同质量和距离联系起来的通用的常数。(physics) the universal constant relating force to mass and distance in Newton's law of gravitation.
- 莫耳气体常数molar gas constant
- 牛顿的万有引力定律Newton's law of gravity
- 力矩常数Torque constant
- 吸附常数Uptake coefficient
- 玻尔的原子模型是太阳系的缩影,不过以电力替代万有引力。A Bohr atom is a solar system in miniature, with electrical forces taking the place of gravitational forces.
- 绝对常数是固定而不可以改变的。An absolute constant is fixed and can not be changed.
- 牛顿第二定律及万有引力定律是根据实验结果总结出来的。Newton's second law and the law of gravity are summarized with experimental results.
- 精确常数best constant factor
- 万有引力之规律the law of gravity