- 无一字无来处every word must have its provenance
- 二two
- 八、在本专栏一字、两字、三字无实际内容顶贴连续超过5条属于恶意灌水行为,在本专栏不允许,将被扣分处理,严重者将被禁止发言一段时间。Eighth, in a this column character, two characters, three characters not actual content goes against pastes continuously surpasses 5 to belong to the evil intention to irrigate the behavior, does not permit in this column, is deducted points processing, serious is forbidden to speak period of time.
- 无none
- 文字character
- 字letter
- 无法unable
- 无标题no title
- 摩门教信徒的宗教信仰是读一无二的,而他可以拥有三妻五妾。The Mormon's religion is singular, and his wives are plural.
- 我不能一字不漏地引用原话,但我可以告诉你作者的主要观点。I can not quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main point which the author was making.
- 无需dispense with
- 我努力想听清他讲课讲的每一字每一句。I tried hard not to lose a word of his lecture.
- 他们言无二价。They refused to accept less than the asking price.
- 木柄一字螺丝刀slotted screwdriver with wooden handle
- 一字槽螺丝帽straight slot head
- 并无二致the same
- 他原来一字不识,后来学了一点文化。An illiterate, later he received some schooling.
- 货无二价one-price policy
- 每一字每一句都带着对孩子的深切叮咛。Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.
- 心无二用keep one's mind on two things at the same time