- “5S”教育5S education
- 5S5 S
- 青少年犯拘留所的拘留能看做是教育吗?Can detention in a remand home be regarded as educational?
- 1/5s1/5 second
- 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。Four years of college gave her considerable polish.
- 5S法5S method
- 很多教育家提倡通才教育。Many educators advocate a liberal education.
- GD-5SGD-5S
- 教育把他从无知中解救出来。Education delivered him from ignorance.
- 5S管理5S management
- 这一经历极富教育意义。The experience has been tremendously educational.
- 5S模型5S model
- 教育的动力the dynamics of education
- “5S”"5S"
- 他的演讲强调了教育改革的必要性。His speech highlighted the need for educational reform.
- 5S活动5 S activities
- 她给她的孩子一流的教育。She gave her children a first-rate education.
- 5S理念5S concept
- 母亲教育我们为人要诚实。Mother trained us to be honest.
- 5S方法5S method