- 法law
- 无法unable
- 用法usage
- 说法statement
- 这表示,BankAccount类是一个抽象类,而withdrawal方法是抽象的操作。This indicates that the BankAccount class is an abstract class and the withdrawal method is an abstract operation.
- notice of baandonment (海上保险)委付通知书
- 输入法input method
- 细心的读者会注意到,在图4和图5中的图中,类名BankAccount和withdrawal操作使用斜体。The observant reader will notice that the diagrams in Figures 4 and 5 use italicized text for the BankAccount class name and withdrawal operation.
- reasonable notice of abandonment (保险)适当的委付通知
- 除法division
- Note:在PHP 3中,此情况下将发出一个E_NOTICE级的警告。Note: In PHP 3, a warning will be issued at the E_NOTICE level when this happens.
- 分析法analytical method
- 要记录通告消息日志,PHP指令pgsql.ignore_notice必须为off。The PHP directive pgsql. Ignore_notice must be off in order to log notice messages.
- 商法commercial law
- 最常见的出现notice提示信息的情况是在数组索引中使用没有加引号的字符串。The most common case that will now produce notice messages is the use of unquoted string constants as array indices.
- 行政法administrative law
- 如果stat调用失败或者文件类型未知的话filetype()还会产生一个E_NOTICE消息。Filetype() will also produce an E_NOTICE message if the stat call fails or if the file type is unknown.
- 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
- 读法pronunciation
- 法轮功Falun Gong Cult