- 法law
- 无法unable
- 用法usage
- 说法statement
- dirty常用在组合词中;暗白色;泥灰色的大海。dirty is often used in combination; a dirty (or dingy) white; the muddied gray of the sea; muddy colors; dirty-green walls; dirty-blonde hair.
- 输入法input method
- 从信息论的角度来说,广播信道的容量极限可以由一种称为dirty-paper coding (DPC)技术来达到。From information theoretical considerations, the capacity region of a broadcast channel is achieved with the dirty-paper coding (DPC) technique.
- 除法division
- 分析法analytical method
- 商法commercial law
- 行政法administrative law
- 宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania
- 读法pronunciation
- 法轮功Falun Gong Cult
- 法门method
- 没法cannot
- 玩法playing method
- 表示法notation
- 理法logos
- 国际商法international commercial law