- "WU ZHONG SI SHI" “吴中四士”
- "Four persons of Wu Zhong" gained the name for all of them were born in Wu. 摘要“吴中四士”因籍贯俱为吴地而得名。
- ADDRESS:Rm.A.1009,Nanxincang Business Tower,A.22 Dong Si Shi Tiao, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100007. 公司地址:北京市东城区东四十条甲22号南新仓国际大厦A座1009。邮编:100007。
- CCTV broadcasts newspaper: School has one English teacher , he is called Wu Zhong City redly in Chengdu Chong Zhou Huai Yuan county town centre. 中央电视台播报:在成都崇州怀远镇中心学校有一位英语老师,他叫吴忠红。
- The spring night was meltingly warm.Flower fragrance floated through the curtains, entering the chambers of the resort palace.Feng Li and Si Shi talked about their longing for each other. 在长廊彼端,音乐般的脚步声响了起来,像欢乐的锦瑟,像清和的瑶琴,一个轻柔的声音在说:“少伯,真的是你么?”
- It is said that while in Wu Xi Shi was all the time secretly carrying out Wen Zhong's scheme of sapping the national strength of Wu by every means. 据说,西施在暗中实施文种的计谋,用各种方法来消耗吴国的国力。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?
- Guang zhou sheng shi ming gu wu Fashion Ltd. 广州市圣世明古屋时装有限公司。
- It refers to a “wu shi” (a sorcerer). 而是指巫师的巫。
- A Tentative Exposition of the Influence of the Wu Culture on "Four Persons of Wu Zhong" 试论吴文化对"吴中四士"的影响
- Form Si Shi Tongtang to Explore the Breaking and Flowing of Confucianism in 1940s 从《四世同堂》看40年代儒家文化的断与流
- Qingdao Ping Du Shi Zhong Xin Art Products Co., Ltd. 青岛·平度市众鑫工艺品有限公司。
- Professor Wu is extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。
- Aunt Wu came in, followed by her daughter. 吴大娘走了进来,后面跟着她女儿。
- Allow me to introduce Miss Wu to you. 允许我把吴小姐给您介绍。
- Lao Wu came for her at her lodgings. 老吴到她的住处来接她。
- Sias we have you in our heart,Xi ya si jiang yong zai wo xin zhong. 我们将在离开的时候用心铭记这些美好时光,西亚斯将永在我心中。
- A new perspective on the diversity of Wu De Zhong Shi thoughts in late Wartime period and the development of late Mohism is offered to challenge the existing model of thinking on these issues. 这使得我们有必要对五德终始说在战国后期发展的多向性问题以及后期墨家的思想发展性问题做出新的认识。
- Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on. 吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视。