- zonular scotomata 带状暗点
- zonular scotoma 带状暗点
- And this one scotoma also is a good luck actually. 而这一盲点其实也是一个机遇。
- Objective To investigate the etiology, manifestations and treatment of glaucoma secondary to chalasia and/or dialysis of the lens zonular fiber. 摘要目的探讨晶状体悬韧带松弛及部分断裂继发青光眼的临床特点及治疗方法。
- Visual field testing showed bilat. upper-nasal constriction and relative central scotoma. 视野有明显的鼻侧上部缺陷。
- She complained of decreased vision and a relative paracentral scotoma of her right eye. 一位二十二岁女性,其因玻璃体黄斑部牵扯症导致视野缺损而到眼科求诊。
- To introduce a new instrument for checking up the eye s suppression scotomata in the clinic of ophthalmology. 本文介绍了应用于眼科临床的双眼视野抑制暗点检测仪。
- Methods We studied 23 cases which suffered glaucoma secondary to chalasia and/or dialysis of the lens zonular fiber and received lens extraction retrospectively. 方法回顾性分析晶状体悬韧带松弛及部分断裂继发青光眼实施晶状体摘除手术的患者23例23眼。
- The computer determines the existence of scotomata by the on or off state of a switch controlled by patient s hands. 计算机以患者手动开关的状态判断暗点的存在。
- Good surgical outcomes can be abtained via different types of operations according to different situations of zonular fiber. 根据悬韧带松弛、断裂的程度和玻璃体状态选择不同的手术方式,可以获得良好疗效。
- Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision. 视野缺损 : 正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。
- Visual-field defect: Blind spot (scotoma) or area in the normal field of vision. 视野缺损:正常视觉范围内的一个盲点或盲区。
- Results Detachment of suspended zonular ligament, rupture of posterior capsule and vitreous prolapse are the main factors influencing IOL implantation during cataract surgery. 结果白内障手术影响I期人工晶状体植入的主要原因为晶状体悬韧带断离、晶状体后囊膜破裂、玻璃体脱出。
- Legislative branch should study this kind of new issue, eliminate jural scotoma. 立法部门应研究这类新问题,消灭法律上的盲点。
- "This use of the irrigating fluid is especially useful in complex cases in patients with small pupils, for example, and in those with limited zonular dialysis. 对于复杂病例,如瞳孔较小的病人以及进行有限带状透析的病人,冲洗液尤其有用。”
- Objective To investigate the relationship between reading speed and center scotoma in age-related macular degeneration. 目的观察年龄相关性黄斑变性中心暗点与阅读速度的关系。
- Any system has own cannot overcome “the scotoma”, the market economy is not exceptional. 任何体制都有自身所不能克服的“盲点”,市场经济也不例外。
- OBJECTIVE To discuss the dauning scotoma sampling measure which exists in axenic medical appliance examination. 目的探讨医疗器械无菌检查中消除涂抹盲点的采样方法。
- Backboard also is the scotoma that consumer often ignores easily after, after all its position often is held off to lose sight of. 后背板也是消费者常轻易忽视的盲点,究竟它的位置经常被挡住看不见。
- The new generation 7 are the advanced initiative safety system including the initiative scotoma detection system and the new night-time vision system. 新一代7系先进的主动安全系统包括主动盲点探测系统和新的夜视系统。