- zero point setting 零点设置
- You can, however, set the grid origin independently from the ruler zero point. 不过,您可以将网格起点设置为独立于标尺的零点。
- Say zero point two five per cent above your base rate. 就比基本利率高零点二五个百分点吧。
- Zero point eight one two five per cent for one year. 年利率是0.;8125%25。
- To measure the overall IG unit thickness, align the zero point. 要量测全面的复层玻璃厚度;请校准好零点.
- A score of zero points in a game or zero games in a set. 在一局或一盘比赛中得零分。
- To use this, simply align the zero point as described previously. 使用此仪器;就像之前叙述的一样简易地校准零点.
- The grid origin is set to the same position as the ruler zero point (zero point: (1) The location of the 0 on the horizontal or vertical ruler. 网格起点的位置设定为与标尺零点(零点:(1)水平或垂直标尺上0的位置。
- The zero point is the Vernal Equinox, also called the point of Aries. 零点是春分点,也叫做白羊座点。
- At Define access point Settings press OK . 在确定接入点设置 按下OK .
- Remedy: Check zero point correction of the star and re-adjust if necessary. 检查零点位置是否正确,并且需要时,加以调整。
- It is a good idea to already have your break point set in the agent code. 最好是代理代码中已经设置了断点。
- Ground Zero is Zero Point consciousness. The program ends in a New York Minute! 地面零点就是零点意识。在纽约的计划终端显现出来!
- An algorithm speedily building TIN of scattered point set is presented. 该文提出了一种针对散乱点集的快速生成TIN的算法。
- Delve into the ways to determine the zero point of the continuous function. 探究在某区间上图象连续的函数存在零点的判定方法.
- The coercivity of soft magnetic materials is generally near to zero point. 软磁材料的矫顽力一般分布于零点附近。
- You have probably a bad nodal point setting (position of the camera on the tripod or the panoramic head) or some distortion in your images. 你在你的图像中或许有一个坏的节点设定(照相机的位置在三脚架或全景的磁头上)或一些失真。
- Automatic access point settings updated for some operators. 部分供应商的自动接入点设置更新。
- In the end, Jung who stated that such opposites had to be integrated. [Zoroaster calls this Zero Point Merge. 最后,容格声称这样的对立面肯定是完整的。[琐罗亚斯德称这为零点融合。
- The conventional point setting for flat clothing is known as unitary twillor satin. 盖板针布的针尖排列组织一般采用斜纹、缎纹等单一植针方式。