- zero order process 零级速率过程
- The studies on release process in vitro revealed that the release of captopril from pellets was retarded significantly and the release process followed the zero order kinetics. 经体外释放实验证明,制得的控释微丸能明显延缓药物释放,释放过程符合零级动力学。
- Understanding of order process and contract issuing. 了解订单处理及合同的订立。
- The dark fringes in the photographs represent the roots of the first Bessel function of zero order. 在这些照片上,可以由条纹分布给出一类零阶贝塞尔函数的根值。
- One is single-cone sampling tomosynthesis which corresponds to the zero order Bessel window function. 一种是以零阶贝塞尔函数为窗函数;采用单个的采样园锥.
- Fabrication of Zero order Nulled Silica Phase Masks for 248 nm KrF Excimer Laser[J]. 引用该论文 根祥;程美乔;葛璜;简水生;王圩.
- Our sample will be a real-life process from a bank customer that implements a funds order process. 我们的实例是一个来自银行客户的实际流程,它实现了一个资金订单流程。
- At least two years previous experience in order processing in MNC. 在跨国公司有两年以上销售订单处理的经验。
- Results The amount of HPMC and lactose had significant effects on the release of allopurinol.The release behavior of the tablets followed the zero order equation. 结果羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC)和乳糖的用量对释药有显著性影响,别嘌醇缓释骨架片的体外释药行为符合零级释放模型。
- The reaction consists of the first order reaction of the hydrolysis of astaxanthin esters and the zero order reaction of the degradation of astaxanthin. 建立了虾青素酯水解动力学模型,结果表明该反应是一个虾青素酯水解的一级反应和游离虾青素降解的零级反应组成的连串反应。
- Consider a traditional order processing application. 试想传统的订单处理应用程序。
- Generally, the exit wave function highly dominated by zero order Laue zone (ZOLZ), but in some cases high order Laue zone (HOLZ) effects needs to be considered. 一般说来,出射面波函数主要由零级劳埃带决定的,但在某些情况下,高级劳埃带效应也必须考虑。
- To find the form of suspension cables precisely, the Newton-Raphson iteration is used and the zero order optimization arithmetic is also dedicated to control the procedure. 基于牛顿-拉普森迭代对悬索体系的找形进行了研究,同时采用零阶优化算法对迭代进行优化控制,并对影响求解精度的因素进行了分析。
- It also mentioned that in respect of their internal order process, it was interesting that one of the requirements was that the cost of doing nothing must always be presented. 该代表团还提到内部指令过程,说有代表提出必须报告不采取行动的成本,这很有意思。
- HASP SRM enables you to customize the license order process so that it's fully compatible with your organization workflows, product lingo, and brand guidelines. HASP SRM让您能够定制授权订单过程,这样就可以完全兼容您企业的工作流程、产品术语和品牌内容。
- Sales, marketing and IT staffs worked together to craft an electronic business solution that automates the order process and strengthens business relationships. 如今,为了实现电子商务的订单自动化以及加强业务联系,销售、营销和IT的从业人员正在为此努力。
- Manages sales order process, coordinating with customers, acknowledges and understands customer requirements, and expedites the process with internal associates. 4. 4、广告表现及媒介投放分析;
- Using the matching asymptotic expanding method, the Solutions for a class of nonliear singularly perturbed problems are discussed. Zero order asymptotic expansions of solution for boundary value problem are obtain. 摘要利用匹配渐近展开法,讨论了一类非线性奇摄动问题的解,得出了奇摄动边值问题的零次渐近展开式。
- We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers. 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物交给顾客。
- Order processing information from dispersed locations can be consolidated. 来自各个分散位置的订单处理信息可以合并到一起。