- zero gas for THC 总烃零点气
- The hotel has switched over to gas for heating. 饭店已改为用煤气供热了。
- Do you use electricity or gas for water heater? 你们用电还是瓦斯?
- Never buy that no-name brand gas for your car. 绝不要替你的车买那没牌子的汽油。
- The gas for this car is regular unleaded. 这部车用普通的无铅汽油。
- We shall soon substiute gas for coal. 不久我们将用煤气代替煤。
- A factory where gas for heating and lighting is produced. 煤气制造厂一个用来取暖或照明的煤气生产的工厂
- Hydrogen is a useful gas for balloons. It is lighter than air. 氢气对于气球来说是一种有用的气体,它比空气轻多了。
- Oh, by the way, the gas for this car is regular unleaded. 哦,对了!这部车子是用普通的无铅汽油。
- Oh,by the way,the gas for this car is regular unleaded. 哦,对了!这部车子是用普通的无铅汽油。
- Gas for metal cutting in metallurgic al industry is presented. 介绍了冶金工业中金属切割燃气情况。
- Brain cells have a receptor for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the active ingredient in marijuana. 脑细胞含有四氢大麻酚(THC)的受体,它是大麻中的一种活性物质。
- The USSR wishes to substitute gas for oil for its European satellites. 前苏联希望在其欧洲附属国实行燃气换石油计划。
- Thc similar priority scqucncc valuc mcthod for thc optimixation of mul-ti-objcctivc dccision is uscd for dctermining thc lcngth of fully meehanized mining facc in this paper. 本文应用多目标决策方法的相似优序值法确定综采工作面的合理长度。详细分析了影响综采工作面长度的各种因素,以产量、成本、掘进率、回采工效为目标。
- He's willing to trade a vial of choking gas for whatever food you can give him. 他愿意用窒息毒气瓶和你给他的任何食物交换。
- I don't really know. This is a rental car and it's the first time I've gotten gas for it. 我不太清楚。这是租来的车,而且是我第一次加油。
- Big fields, they argue, can take a decade or more to develop, and may then produce oil or gas for several decades more. 它们认为由于开发大型油田可能需要十年甚至更长的时间,而投产之后又能持续数十年的油气生产。
- It had been caused great attention to malodorous gas for its serious hazard to people. 恶臭气体对人们身体健康造成很大危害,已受到人们广泛的重视。
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- Rental per month: RMB1850 including internet, heating, hot water, cable tv, gas for cooking .i hope u r a quiet girl. 出租其中的小房间并带一个独立的卫生间。租金1850/月(包括房租生活用水网费煤气)希望是一个外国女孩子来看房。