- No one can remain youthful forever. 没有人能永保青春。
- I can't bear young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
- The pleasures of idleness soon cloy. 无所事事的享乐很快就使人厌烦了。
- The youth like to wear knickerbockers. 年青人喜欢穿灯笼裤。
- Judy is now in the bloom of youth. 朱迪现在正当青春年少。
- He was full of youthful curiosity. 他充满了年轻人的好奇。
- Despite her age she still had a youthful body. 尽管她上了年纪,她的身体仍然富于青春活力。
- Youth glided past without our awareness. 青春在我们不知不觉中逝去。
- She wept bitter tears over her lost youth. 她为自己逝去的青春痛苦地流泪。
- In his youth he was an extravagant epicurean. 他年轻时是个花花公子。
- His youth and inexperience got him off. 他的年轻和无经验使他免于受到处罚。
- In his youth, he had shown great promise. 他在青少年时代就显得很有出息。
- In judging him you should consider his youth. 在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。
- youthful pleasures 青年的娱乐
- One of the pleasures of singing is to harmonize with the other voices. 唱歌的乐趣之一就是和其他唱歌的人保持和谐一致。
- He regaled us with some stories about his youth. 他说了年轻时的一些故事,让我们听得津津有味。
- She felt great grief over her lost youth. 她对逝去的青春感到极大的悲伤。
- In his youth he had stayed in the monastery. 他年轻时在这个修道院待过。
- Study and hard work seem to be his chief pleasures. 看来,他的乐趣主要在于学习和努力工作。
- He had no comedy vein in his youth. 他年轻时没有演喜剧的才干。