- The young fruit trees are growing well. 新栽的果树正在茁壮成长。
- Mature fruit unknown, young fruit broadly ovoid, tuberculate. 成熟的果未知物,幼果宽卵形,具瘤。
- It contains pure olive young fruit essence oil, Keratin and aloe essence, etc. 含纯橄榄幼果精华油、角蛋白和芦荟精华等。
- Pedicels of young fruit divaricate, 8-14 mm, slender, soon recurved, glabrous. 极叉开的幼果的花梗,8-14毫米,纤巧,不久下弯,无毛。
- The first generation larvae began to hatched on the first 10 days of Apr., the larvae took olive tender tip and young fruit and leaf for food. 第1代幼虫4月上旬开始孵化,其幼虫以取食橄榄嫩梢、幼果及叶片为害。
- Leaves thickly leathery. Flowers reddish. Ovary white pubescent until formation of young fruit. 叶厚革质。花带红色。子房白色短柔毛直到幼果形成;
- The wine can be cellared for two to three years, but the young fruit is most attractive! 可在酒窖中存放二至三年,但年轻时水果味最引人!
- Flowers reddish; ovary white pubescent until formation of young fruit; leaves thickly leathery. 花带红色;子房白色短柔毛直到形成幼果;叶厚革质。
- Cucumber young fruit can be eaten raw, cooked food, salinization and butter system, each flavor. 黄瓜幼嫩果实可生食、熟食,盐渍和酱制,各有风味。
- Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits. 枯萎病一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡
- The frost injury phenomenon of alabastrum, flower and young fruit of sweet cherry were not appeared in solar greenhouse. 日光温室甜樱桃没有出现花蕾、花朵并有幼果的冻害现象。
- Fruit often solitary, young fruit yellowish green, globular-pyriform, carpopodium stout, base of fruit with persistent calyx. 果通常单生,幼果黄绿色,球状梨形,果柄粗,果基部具宿萼。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- Definition: Immature bitter orange fruit is the dried young fruits of Citrus aurantium L. and its cultivars (Fam. 本品为芸香科柑橘属植物酸橙Citrus aurantium L.;及其栽培变种的干燥幼果。
- The amount and intensity of accumulation of N,P,K,Mg were small in young fruit period,when fruit grew and expanded quickly, the accumulation amount and intensity of N,P,K,Mg were increased. N、P、K、Mg元素在幼果期的积累量和积累强度小,在果实迅速生长和迅速膨大期迅速增加。
- Jiangxi Province (young fruit industry) Co., Ltd., located in the beautiful scenery of Ganzhou City of Jiangxi Gannan as the "navel orange, orange, watermelon, plums, Shuiguozhixiang. 江西省(青春果业)有限公司,位于景色秀丽的江西省赣州市赣南被誉为“脐橙、桔子、西瓜、李子、水果之乡”。
- Abstract: Chafer bored fruit trees, especially young fruit trees severely.Damage by Maladera orientalis and Holotrichia diomphalia on young fruit trees and their control techniques were studied. 文章摘要: 金龟子对果树特别是幼龄果树为害相当严重,本项目对白城市幼龄果树所发生的黑绒鳃金龟子和东北大黑鳃金龟的危害及防治措施进行了研究。
- Flowers and young fruit subtended by ovate bracts as long or longer than calyx tube; fruit globose to ovoid, 0.5--1(--1.5) cm wide, sessile; leaves abaxially drying grayish, brown, or blackish. 花和幼果以卵形的苞片等长或长于萼筒被包着;果球状到卵球形,0.;5-1(-1
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 对自满的年轻人来说,他的这本书有启发作用。
- The robber stabbed the young man in the belly. 强盗刺伤了这名年轻人的腹部。