- Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other. 新老干部相互学习, 相互激励。
- The training of young cadres is a strategic task that will ensure the long-term stability of the Party and the state. 加强对年轻干部的培养,是保证党和国家长治久安的战略任务。
- We should choose a number of politically sound and relatively young cadres and promote them step by step. 选拔一些政治上好又比较年轻的干部,把他们一步步地提升上来。
- This young cadre fills the office satisfactorily. 这位青年干部非常称职。
- In short, it is an important responsibility of our Central Advisory Commission to choose young cadres for promotion. 总之,选拔年轻干部是我们顾问委员会的一个重要责任。
- It is right to place young cadres in the forefront of the modernization drive, giving them heavier responsibilities. 把年轻干部放到第一线压担子,这个路子对
- We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts. If they don't,there will be no positions for the young cadres. 要说服老一点的同志把位子腾出来,要不然年轻干部没有位子呀。
- We should persuade older comrades to vacate their leading posts. If they don't, there will be no positions for the young cadres. 要说服老一点的同志把位子腾出来,要不然年轻干部没有位子呀。
- In his opinion, capable young cadres can be put on important positions and democracy should be systemized and legalized. 制度建设上,大力推进民主的制度化和法制化。
- Young cadres can become worthy successors provided we select the right candidates,pass on our experience,help and guide them,and give them better training in our schools. 年轻干部只要选得准,搞好对他们的传帮带,加强学校的培养,是能够接好班的。
- It is right to place young cadres in the forefront of the modernization drive,giving them heavier responsibilities. They shouldn't simply lean on others. 把年轻干部放到第一线压担子,这个路子对,不能只靠人家扶着。
- It is right to place young cadres in the forefront of the modernization drive, giving them heavier responsibilities. They shouldn't simply lean on others. 把年轻干部放到第一线压担子,这个路子对,不能只靠人家扶着。
- Young cadres can become worthy successors provided we select the right candidates, pass on our experience, help and guide them, and give them better training in our schools. 年轻干部只要选得准,搞好对他们的传帮带,加强学校的培养,是能够接好班的。
- Therefor ,young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy ,strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise,and be mature as soon as . 为此,青年干部必须树立正确的世界观、人生观,加强理论素养,在实践中经受考验和锻炼,并尽快成长起来。
- The primary task -- that of first importance -- now facing our veteran comrades is to promote younger cadres. 老同志的最主要的任务,第一位的任务,是提拔年纪比较轻的干部。
- We should make greater efforts to train and select outstanding young cadres, helping them cultivate their Party spirit, pursue theoretical study and gain practical experience so that they will improve in all respects. 加大培养选拔优秀年轻干部的工作力度,着重帮助他们加强党性修养、理论学习和实践锻炼,全面提高自身素质。
- For years,we've been talking about the need for younger cadres in the army and about promoting outstanding young cadres faster. 干部年轻化,军队提了多年,要求选拔比较优秀的、年轻的,台阶可以上快一点。
- However, with age and the requirements of younger cadres, some veteran resettlement needs to be left to rest. 但是,随着年龄的增长和干部年轻化的要求,有些老干部需要作离职休养安置。
- Young ladies used to have lessons in deportment. 少女以前要上仪态课。
- Promoting younger cadres must be a key aim of our structural reform,whether in the army,in civilian organizations,in the Party or the government. 干部年轻化,要当作体制改革的一个中心目标,军队、地方一样,党政军一样。