- This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜。
- The explorers were young and hearty. 这些探险者年轻而健壮。
- Mary was still young and in the pride of her beauty. 玛丽还年轻,正是风姿秀逸的时候。
- He was upright, hearty, and robust. 他身材笔直,精神饱满,体魄壮
- I did many stupid things when I was young and suggestible. 我年轻时受外界的影响做过不少傻事。
- Remote debugging is now more secure and robust. 远程调试现在更为安全和可靠。
- She is very young and vulnerable to temptation/fraud. 她很年轻,易受诱惑/易受骗上当。
- I want something sequacious now and robust. 我现在想要前后一贯和健全的东西。
- They are young and energetic scientists. 他们是年富力强的科学家。
- Fold knowledge into data so program logic can be stupid and robust. 表达的原则:把自己的认识放到数据里,那么程序逻辑就可以虽乏味但健壮。
- She was moving to and fro about her work, alert, joyous and robust. 她跑来跑去地干活,手脚轻健,兴高采烈,身强体
- He was young and highly suggestible. 他年轻,很容易听信他人的。
- The detector must be operationally simple, reliable and robust. 探测器必须操作方便,可靠而牢固。
- She is young and does everything with bells on . 她年轻,做一切事情都满怀热情。
- Experiments show that this method is rapid, effective and robust. 试验表明,该方法快速、高效且具备一定的鲁棒性。
- The animal loves its young and cares for them. 动物爱护幼仔,关心幼仔。
- A way to run reactive programs in a scalable and robust manner. 一种运行响应式程序的方法,伸缩性和健壮性俱佳。
- The game can be enjoyed by young and old. 这种游戏是老少皆宜。
- Simulation results show that algorithm is efficient and robust. 计算机仿真实验表明了该算法的有效性和鲁棒性。
- He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him. 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。