- The basic theory of the traditional Chinese medicine is adopted from the theory of yin and yang theory of the five elements. 中医的基本理论取自阴阳五行学说。
- In clinical acu - moxi practice, Prof.CHEN put stress on the application of TCM theory guided by yin - yang theory and viewed from wholism concept. 陈全新教授在针灸学科的临床中,注重运用中医理论,以阴阳为主导,从整体观出发,将辨证、辨病与辨经有机结合,旨在调和脏脏阴阳。
- Yin Yang their numerous, pulsating current thin disease, and is mad. 阴不胜其阳,则脉流薄疾,并乃狂。
- We think that the ideology of seeking neutralism, harmony and great unity, the thoughts of "neutralization and justice" represented by yin and yang theory (the two opposite princip... 最终确定致中和与大统一观念、阴阳刚柔的“中正”思想以及愉情悦性以求“合欢”的价值观点为当代中餐的饮食审美原则。
- The most common graphic representation of Taoist theology is the circular Yin Yang figure. 道教理论的最普遍图形表示就是阴和阳循环的圆形图像。
- Ages and ages ago, Fu Xi assigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang. 远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。
- On the Yin - yang Theory of Tibetan Medical Science 藏医阴阳学说研究
- And more pathological mechanism of liver, spleen, kidney disorders three dirty yin and yang, Yin Yang Sheng is most closely connected. 病理机制多与肝、脾、肾三脏阴阳失调,阴虚阳盛关系最为密切。
- Tne concerning treatment and prevention should be guided by differentiation of symptoms and signs by adjusting Yin Yang,organs and Yingwei,etc. 应在辨证论治思想指导下,采用调理阴阳,协调脏腑,调和营卫等方法加以防治。
- Yin and Yang theory of the fiveelements “阴阳五行”
- In such explorations, the function of yin yang and wu zing weakened and the analysis from the view of mechanics increased, which had never existed before. 在这些探讨中,阴阳五行的作用淡化了,而从力学角度做的分析却增加了,这是前所未有的。
- Discussions on the beauty of Wu Xin are based on the spirit of Tao and yin yang through which concreting its every part can form some important character. 摘要五行美论在乘承了道、阴阳美论的所有精神的基础上,各具体项循道之展开即能成为其重要特征。
- She is serious. She never denies her stammer and poor hearing. Smelling is her only functioning sense. Her big buttocks and Yin Yang hands are bothering this little “boy”. 她狠严肃,她不否认,她的耳背和结巴。她唯一健全的感官是嗅觉。这个小男孩,最苦恼的事情是她的大屁股和阴阳手。
- Because of the maladjustment of the kidney's function, Kidney, Tiangui, Chong and Ren channels, utems procreation, function became turbulence: Yin yang and Qi-blood lost balance. 多囊卵巢综合征是由于卵泡不能发育成熟和卵泡壁的过度增生不能破裂导致卵泡闭锁,符合中医的肾虚血瘀的病理改变。
- From the changes of pulse, we will be able to predict sthenia and asthenia of“ Yin Yang”of the body, growth and decline of body and the pathogenic factor. 从脉寸的变好化,可以测知人体的阴阳盛衰,邪正的消长。
- The theory of Yin Yang and Zhouyi University of China Science 医易科学
- Function: Dispel coldness , strengthen blood recycling and good to Yin Yang by massage and also the hotness of Chinese medicine plus ginger on waist points.The kidney will be full of energy. 作用:通过对腰部穴位的按摩及中药、姜对穴位的热,达到祛寒、舒经活血、滋阴壮阳的功效,使肾脏精气旺盛,对腰部的各种不适均有较好的疗效;
- Mathematical model of Yin and Yang theory of traditional Chinese medicine 试建中医阴阳学说的数学模型
- A Research into Lao Zi's Yin Yang Thought 老子阴阳思想探析
- Fong Sai-yuk in a bloody battle in Yin Yang Cave 血战阴阳洞