- Plant-parasitic nematodes cause heavy yield losses in many crops . 在许多农作物中,植物寄生线虫引起重大损失。
- The phenomenon of ear barren tip composed from aborted kernels and florets without fecundation at the tip of ear is an important factor causing yield losses. 玉米果穗顶部败育的籽粒和未受精的小花构成的秃尖现象是一个重要的减产因素。
- Studies on Yield Loss and Dynamic Economic Threshold of Cowpea Aphid Aphis craccivora Koch on Cowpea, Vigna sp. 豆蚜危害豇豆损失率及动态经济阈值研究。
- Sharp eyespot of wheat is one of the most important diseases causing severe yield loss in Yangtze River and Huanghe River Region of China. 分别用玉米粉-砂、麦粒和玉米秸秆作为小麦纹枯菌生长基质,培养获得小麦纹枯病菌接种物。
- The bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is an important vascular disease to irrigated rice and may cause substantial yield loss under serious conditions. 摘要白叶枯病系水稻一重要维管束型病害,严重感染将可能导致明显减产。
- Aberrant weather in cane growing States such as Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka has created risk of yield loss. 谢亚龙:实话告诉你,这次让你退场的目的就是让全国人民骂你。
- Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is one of the worldwide diseases, which causes yield loss and quality deficiency severely in soybean. 摘要大豆花叶病毒病是为害大豆生产的世界性病害,严重影响大豆产量和品质。
- Effect of different densities of Empoasca vitis on the yield loss rate and the damage indexes of fresh tea leaves was evaluated with the net method. 摘要利用网罩法测定了假眼小绿叶蝉不同虫口密度对茶鲜叶产量及受害指数的影响。
- An In addition, the researchers found that the plants good could survive on only 30% of the normal amount of irrigation water. Ill Yield loss was manner minor, they said. 除此之外,研究人员发现,这些转基因植物可以在只有正常值30%25的水量灌溉条件下生存下来。他们说:生长损失是次要的。
- On the basis of the results achieved above, the models for disease index and yield loss ratio and for disease index and weight per kilograin were established. 千粒重随着病情指数的增加呈下降趋势;并在此基础上组建了病情指数与产量损失率的关系模型;病情指数与千粒重的关系模型.
- On the basis of the results mentioned above, the model for disease index and yield loss ratio, disease index and the kilograin weight was established, respectively. 千粒重随着病情指数的增加呈下降趋势,并在此基础上组建了病情指数与产量损失率的关系模型,病情指数与千粒重的关系模型。
- A field experiment was conducted to determine the relationships between the yield loss of summer maize and the infestations of Amaranthus retroflexus and PoHulaca oleracea. 为了明确杂草种类对杂草密度与夏玉米产量损失之间的函数关系的影响及反枝苋和马齿苋为害夏玉米的产量损失模型,在田间开展了此项研究。
- The accumulated loss of photosynthate was 11.4% and yield loss was 17.8% at ambient O3 concentration in the wheat growth period under sufficient moisture and fertilizer supplies. 对冬小麦春后生育期(3-5月)的研究表明,水肥适宜时,由O3影响造成的该地区冬小麦干物质累积总损失量为11.;4%25,产量损失为17
- We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。
- The main reasons of yield lossing were the obvious reduction in weight of thousand gains and the fructiferous rate. 导致减产的主要原因是结实率和千粒重显著降低。
- The objective of the present paper was to study the biological characteristic of Uo~ilagMoideavwena (Cke)Tak, the ocQurrence of FSR, yield loss of rice damage by FSR and its controltechniques. 本文对稻曲病病原菌及其生物学特性、稻曲病发生规律、危害损失与防治技术进行了研究,其结果如下:
- Having been bleached with 1. 5% H2O2 in alkaline medium, pulps whiten to a whiteness of 82% SBD, and pulp sheets maintain a higher strength properties, the breaking length of 6. 1 km. The total yield loss during OP bleaching is slightly less ten percent. 再经1.;5%25H2O2漂白,浆白度达82%25SBD,裂断长为6
- Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses. 设计中那怕是一点点疏忽也可能造成重大的损失。
- Multiple QTL analysis showed that QPRR-1 and QPRR-2 together explained 44.5% of the phenotypic variation for the yield loss based on the two locations (Woodslee and Weaver) and two years (2000 and 2001) data. 其中QPRR-1和QPRR-2经多重QTL计算;对两年(2000年和2001年)和两点(Woodslee和Weaver)平均总病害损失率的贡献率为44.;5%25;而QPRR-3对2001年Woodslee试验点病害损失率的贡献率为15
- Late season drought coinciding with the rice booting to heading stage affects the development of plant height, panicle exsertion, and flag leaf size, and causes significant yield loss. 水稻后期干旱条件下, 株高、剑叶长、剑叶宽以及包颈程度都会受到一定影响, 并导致产量的进一步损失。