- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels. 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。
- The woman knits stockings from yarn. 那妇人用纱线织袜子。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年这项工作就大规模进行了。
- Spindle is the measure for yarn. 司品德是纱的度量单位。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- Mother used to spin her own yarn. 母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。
- Wool fibers can be spun into yarn. 羊毛纤维可纺成纱。
- This district grew cotton on a large scale. 这个地区过去大量种棉花。
- Scale the fish before cooking them. 烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- A fabric made of different kinds of thread or yarn. 混纺织物由不同种类的线或纱制成的织物
- I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
- I weighed in at100 pounds on the scale today. 我今天在磅秤上称的体重为100磅。
- It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe. 很难想像宇宙有多大。
- They are preparing for war on a large scale. 他们正在大规模地备战。
- He learned to scale a rock face from his father. 他从他父亲那儿学得攀登崖面的技巧。
- This map is drawn to a scale of 1 inch to 50 miles. 这幅地图是以一英寸代表五十英里的比例绘制的。
- The old sailor love to spin yarn about his life at sea. 那老水手爱信口开河地讲他的航海生涯。
- Tell lies! That is, spin a yarn; well I can do that. 撒谎么!那就是编一个故事嘛,我也能够来一下子。