- Certainly.First, we want to do 400 milliliter milk shakes.Prepare small mango 1, the kiwi is 2, the low fat milk is 200 milliliters, the fresh lemon juice is 2. 当然可以。首先,我们要做四百毫升的奶昔。准备小芒果一个,奇异果两个,低脂牛奶二百毫升,新鲜柠檬汁两匙。
- Scientific studies show that foods such as deep sea fish, bananas, grapefruits, all wheat bread, spinach, cherries, garlic, pumpkins, low fat milk and chicken can help fight against depression. 科学研究已经显示有十种食物具有抗抑郁的功效,它们是:深海鱼类、橡胶、柚子、全麦面包、菠菜、樱桃、大蒜、南瓜、低脂奶和肌肉。
- Flavor and Taste Improvement of the Low Fat Milk 低脂乳的口味改善
- Use no fat or low fat milks for bread sauces, custards 使用无脂或低脂牛奶来做面包及奶冻
- Skimmed and Low Fat Milk 脱脂和低脂牛奶
- Put Standard fat milk into the plate. 把纯牛奶倒在发热盘上。
- "Tuna, pasta and salad or rice instead of pasta or Both. Mixed together or separate. Supplements. AND OR 600ml of skim or low fat milk mixed with milk and egg protein powder or Pro Sport liquid protein drink 375ml. " 金枪鱼、有肉酱或干酪作佐料的面食以及色拉或者米饭代替面食或者光米饭。混在一起吃或单独分开吃。补充食品。或者600毫升脱脂奶或低脂牛奶与奶和蛋白粉混合或者职业运动员喝的液体蛋白饮料375毫升。
- Yoghurts Some low fat yoghurts contain gelatine. 酸奶 一些低脂肪酸奶含有明胶。
- Eating a protein rich sandwich or drinking a yogurt and fruit smoothie before you get started and drink a glass of low fat chocolate milk afterwards. 在活动前吃蛋白质含量丰富的三明治并喝用酸奶和水果榨成的汁,活动后喝一杯低脂肪巧克力牛奶。
- We've based our advertising campaign on its low fat content. 我们是以产品的低脂含量作为广告宣传活动的基调。
- Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy. 虽然脂肪含量很少,但是味美似乳脂。
- It is a low fat supplement designed to complement the regular diet. 它是一种为日常营养而设计的低脂肪营养补充剂。
- Users must also eat a low calorie, low fat diet and exercise. 服用者同样必须吃低热量,低脂肪的膳食加上运动。
- The research undertaken at a number of universities demonstrated the benefit of low fat chocolate milk over all other sports drinks and water in re-hydrating the body. 这项在大学进行的调查,证实了低脂巧克力牛奶在身体补水方面的功效都要好于其他所有的运动型饮料。
- But I did choose veggies and some other low fat items off the snack buffet! 但我当时选择蔬菜和其他一些低脂物品序幕小吃自助餐!
- Pudding: pour2 cups cold2% reduced fat milk into bowl, add the mix, with a wire whisk, rotary bated, or electric mixer at lowest speed, best until well blended, about1-2 minutes. 布丁:倒2杯冷的2%25脂奶到碗里,混合,用球型搅打器,旋转减弱,或者低速的电动混合器,混合1-2分钟,到均匀。
- Thus people subsisting on a fish diet are also consuming a low fat diet. 因此,人们对养老的鱼饲料也消耗了低脂肪饮食。
- Dice onion,garlic and parsley.Slice zucchini,red capsicum and low fat cheese. 将洋裢、蒜头及欧芹切细粒;翠玉瓜、红椒及低脂芝士切片。
- Foods labelled "low fat" or "reduced fat" aren't necessarily low in energy. 标明“低脂”或“减脂”的食品所含的热量不一定低
- Mr.Prentice says women who were on a low fat diet had no adverse effects. 普让提丝说在那些一直食用低脂膳食的妇女身上没有发现任何不良作用。