- She put the carbon paper in the wrong way round. 他把复写纸放反了。
- He's got his hat on the wrong way round. 他把帽子前后倒戴了。
- That picture is the wrong way round. 那幅画挂反了。
- These two letters are the wrong way round. 这两个字母的先后次序写倒了。
- These two words are the wrong way round. 这两个字母反了。
- The first name and surname were written the wrong way round. 姓和名写倒了。
- In the film "Spartacus" the directors actually got this the wrong way round. 在电影“斯巴达克斯”中,导演事实上弄错了这个手势的意思。
- You're wearing your jumper the wrong way round,ie The part that should be at the front is at the back. 你的毛衣前后穿反了。
- You' re wearing your jumper the wrong way round, ie The part that should be at the front is at the back. 你的毛衣前後穿反了.
- You're wearing your jumper the wrong way round, ie The part that should be at the front is at the back. 你的毛衣前后穿反了。
- Most adults were taught foreign languages the wrong way round: first to read then to write,third to speak and fourth to hear and understand. 大多数成年人学外语时都把先后次序颠倒了,即先读后写,然后是说,最后才是听力理解。
- Most adults were taught foreign languages the wrong way round: first to read them, third to speak and fourth to hear and understand. 大多数成年人学外语时都把先后次序颠倒了,即先读后写,然后是说,最后才是听力理解。
- He meant to say "make a mountain out of a molehill," but he got it the wrong way round and said "make a molehill out of a mountain". 他想说“小题大做”,说拧了,说成“大题小做”。
- You understood him in the wrong way. 你错误地理解他了。
- The arrow is pointing the wrong way. 这个箭头指错了方向。
- Dad's all right as long as you don't rub him up the wrong way. 只要别去惹怒父亲,他这个人还是很好相处的。
- The plastic capsule was transparent all the way round. 那个塑料小盒通体透明。
- You have buttoned up your coat the wrong way. 你把大衣的钮扣扣错了。
- We decided to come the long way round in order to see the countryside. 我们决定绕远路来,为的是看看野外的景色。
- In England everything is the other way round. 在英国,什么事情都是倒过来的。