- Prior written approval is required to use the HARD DRIVE BY WD logo. 使用HARD DRIVE BY WD徽标之前必须获得书面许可。
- A copy of written approval from the management authority of the venue. 活动举办地点的管理机构所发出的许可证明书副本一份。
- These Rules may not be amended without the express written approval of ICANN. 本条例未经ICANN的明确书面批准不得进行修正。
- Have you obtained written approval from your accredited licenced corporation? 是否已取所属持牌法团之授权信 ?
- Deliveries deviating from our Contracts and orders are only admissible if our prior written approval is given. 若提供的货物与我方合同和订单约定不符,则仅在我方事先书面同意的情况下才予认可。
- This certificate shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of our laboratory. 未经本中心书面批准,不得部分复制此证书。
- The Document may not be reproduced in full or in part except with the written approval from CMA Testing. 未经检定中心书面准许,函件不得以部分或辑录形式复制。
- No settlement which may adversely affect our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval. 若无本局事先的书面同意,不得作出任何对本局权利或者义务有不利影响的和解。
- New publications must have the prior written approval of General Manager thr.ugh the reviewing of hr.Department. 公司内任何新出版品均需在总经理批淮出版前,经过人力资源部的审查。
- New publications must have the prior written approval of General Manager through the reviewing of HR Department. 公司内任何新出版品均需在总经理批淮出版前,经过人力资源部的审查。
- Nitrogen shall not be used for back purging of stainless steels unless prior written approval is obtained from SECCO. 事先未经赛科公司书面许可,气体氮不得用于不锈钢焊接的反吹气体。
- Derivative works are not allowed unless prior written approval from CUHK has been obtained. 除非事先得到中大书面许可,订户不得利用网站上任何资料制作衍生作品。
- The duplicating of this report is prohibited without the written approval of DGM China. 未经本公司书面批准,不得复制本报告书。
- The Lessee shall not sub-let the building to any other persons, except with the prior written approval of the Lessor. 除非事先有出租人的书面许可,承租人不得把该房再出租给其他任何人。
- The end-user is not entitled to handle such claims and make any promise without ABC's prior written approval. 未经ABC事先书面同意,最终用户不得自行解决此类索赔或做出任何承诺。
- The parties shall not disclose this Agreement or its contents to a third party without the prior written approval of the other party. 任何一方未经他方书面同意,不得将本协议或本协议内容泄露给第三人。
- Do not change any configuration or settings on a guest's computer unless you have their written approval on a liability waiver form. 除非签下了书面的权利保证书,否则不要改变客人电脑的配置或设置。
- You will not make any settlement that may adversely affect our rights or obligations without our prior written approval. 未得我们书面批准,阁下不得作出任何可能对我们的权利或责任构成不利影响的和解。
- No other software program can be installed, operated, or configured on the System Control Computer hardware without prior written approval by Seller. 事先未经卖方以书面形式同意,不得在系统控制用计算机硬件上安装、操作或配置任何其他程序。
- The security deposit agreement shall stipulate that "the insurance agency may not draw or dispose of the security without written approval of the CIRC. 保证金存款协议中应当约定:“未经中国保监会书面批准,保险代理机构不得擅自动用或者处置保证金。