- Tolstoy's historicism is a reaction against a method of writing history. 托尔斯泰的历史决定论是对一种写历史的方法的抗议。
- We do not need to invent a good story - We write history since 1886. 我们不需要去编造一个动听的故事-自从1886年我们就书写了历史。
- Tts written history goes back about 3,500 years. 有文字记载的历史可以上溯到3,500年之前。
- Is Tolkien writing a story, or is he writing history? Is it more scholarly than a work of fiction? 托尔金在写故事还是在写历史?他作品的学术性超越了其小说性?
- Reading Notes for Rich and Steele essays. Assignment #1, Reading and writing history is due; bring 3 copies to class. Small group workshops. 3阅读理查与史狄尔的作品笔记。作业一,阅读和写作史;带3份复印内容到课堂上。小组讨论工作坊。
- In the endless literary writing history, female and her body lengthily continue a depreciated destiny. 漫长的文学书写史里,“女性”与其“身体”长久地延续了一种被贬降的压抑命运。
- Bush added, everyone who writes history is prejudiced. “他们或者支持我,或者反对我,他他们自有其观点。”
- Reading Notes for Rich and Steele essays. Assignment#1, Reading and writing history is due; bring3 copies to class. Small group workshops. 阅读理查与史狄尔的作品笔记。作业一,阅读和写作史;带3份复印内容到课堂上。小组讨论工作坊。
- You can pick out the important bits ,for it is one thing to write a letter ,another to write history. 你可以择要摘取,因为写信是一回事。写历史是另一回事
- The world does not allow heroes to exist. Those who write history are those who kill heroes. 这个世界不会允许英雄存在,谱写历史的人,都是杀掉英雄的人。
- Two important stages came not so long before the dawn of written history. 有两个重要阶段是在有文字记载的历史出现之前不久开始的。
- Shakespeare wrote histories and tragedies. 莎士比亚写过历史剧和悲剧。
- Immediately, at its eleventh UNITA WAR will begin, we look forward to out of obstacles, to write history in the 50 world. 马上,第十一届盟战即将拉开大幕,我们期待能杀出重围,在50历史中写下浓墨重彩的一笔。
- Now each of the 55 minority ethnic groups has a brief written history. 现在,中国55个少数民族都各自有了一部文字记载的简史。
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- After investigating the Chinese writing history, we can find out that antithesis is not just a kind of rhetorical means in the traditional sense, but also a kind of significantly cognitive model of Chinese writing. 隐喻的研究,已经从一种修辞手段的研究转化为认识世界和语言发生变化的重大课题和焦点课题。
- Styron does not follow the traditional western way of writing history from the top down (e.g. critical historical figures) or in grand narrative strokes (e.g. grand historical scenes). 在这本小说中,史泰伦并没有沿袭当时西方传统的书写历史的方法,即或自上而下(譬如一些关键的历史人物)或宏大的叙述手法(譬如庞大的历史场面)。
- The work attempts to undermine dominant strategies of writing history by putting sidelined events into center stage, playing with the ways we distinguish the important from the irrelevant. 作品试图将附带事件置于核心舞台,进而削弱书面历史的主导方针,把玩我们用以将重要事件从不相干事件中区分出来的方式。
- They are writing a new history of Africa. 他们正在写一部新的非洲史。
- Herbal medicine has been a part of the written history of Chinese medicine for over 4, 000 years. 草药是中医的一部分,仅文字记载的历史就有4 000多年。