- Liu Hulan would die before yielding. 刘胡兰宁死不屈。
- The fighters would die before yielding. 战士们宁死不岖不愿投降。
- They would die before yielding. 他们会宁死不屈的吧。
- He would die before yielding. 原文:他宁死不屈。
- would die before yielding 宁死不屈
- They would die before surrendering. 他们宁死也不投降。
- He would die before he would betray his country. 他宁愿死也不背叛国家。
- He would die gladly, so only that S. Behrman died before him. 只要斯·贝尔曼比他早死,他自己也情愿死。
- If that black ape got her again, she would die before he even got his hands upon her. 她要是再落到那个黑腥腥手里,就是死了,也不能再让他碰她一碰。
- Many Tajiks, like Pushtuns, would die before they suffered a slight.But, unlike Pushtuns, they do not fear their peeved neighbours to the extent of living in castles. 象普什图人一样,许多塔吉克人也会在死前遭受一些轻微痛苦,但同普什图人不同的是,他们对其恼怒的邻居不会害怕到需要住在城堡里的程度。
- He would die before he lied. 他宁死也不肯说谎。
- One week later to the day,he came and implored Marguerite to take him back,promising to accept her as she was,provided that he could see her,and swearing that he would die before he uttered a single word of reproach. 到了第八天,他就来恳求玛格丽特还是像过去一样跟他来往,只要能够见到玛格丽特,公爵同意完全让她自由行动,还向她发誓说,即使要了他的命,他也决不再说一句责备她的话。
- I would die before I steal. 我宁死也不肯/会去偷。
- The gypsy had foretold that the boy would die. 那吉普赛人曾经预言这男孩儿得夭折。
- Without air, all living things would die. 若非空气,所有的生物都会死亡。
- I would better die before asking him for help. 我宁愿死也不愿向他求救。
- I will die before I tell you what you want to know. 我宁死也不会把你想知道的事告诉你。
- He will die before he shall disgrace himself. 他宁肯死而决不受侮辱。
- I knew Bob would die young. He was always reckless. 我知道鲍勃活不长。他尽干些危险的事。
- She vowed that he would die than surrender. 她发誓宁死也不投降。