- This is the worst case I have ever seen. 这是我所见过最糟的情况了。
- The worst case was sent to hospital. 最严重的一个病人送进医院了。
- Dark Winter was a productive, virtual worst case. 暗冬是一个有收获的,真实的最糟案例。
- But in the worst case scenario, it will be there. 但在最差的假设情况下,它会在那里。
- I came down with a bad case of tuberculosis. 我得了严重的肺结核。
- Not bad for a worst case scenario. 这并不是一个最坏的结局吧。
- For worst case scenario, Difference between the data rate between write and read should be maximum. 在最糟糕的情况下,读写数据速率之间的差异应该是最大的。
- You can give it a try again. What's the worst case can happen? 如果没人看你发么?
- I've got such a bad case of dust contamination,I can barely move! 我遭灰尘污染得厉害,几乎动不了!
- It would be another bad case of politics being put above the law. 这又是政治凌驾法治的坏例子。
- With a really bad case of anything that means we have to go home. 我们必须回家的恶劣状况。
- I suddenly have a bad case of horripilation. Was I being set up? 我突然感到一阵不安。我会不会中计了?
- Their time complexities are O(n) in the worst case and O(n/m) in the best case. 两个算法的最差、最好时间复杂度分别为O(n)和O(n/m).
- Chandler: Okay, worst case scenario. Say you never feel like a father. 好吧,假设最糟糕的情况。那么说,你从来没有感觉自己像个父亲。
- CSIRO cites a worst case of 20% less water in 20 years and 50% in 50 years. CSIRO的最坏估计是,二十年内减少20%25的流量,五十年内减少50%25的流量。
- He's got a bad case of the morning after the night before groaning in bed. 他躺在床上不断的呻吟,昨天晚上他喝得太多了。
- Quick sort and merge sort have the same time complexity on average cases but differ on the worst cases. 快速排序和归并排序在一般情况下有相同的时间复杂度,但是在最坏情况下却有所不同。
- An absolute worst case would be radical political unrest and five million boat people. 最恶劣的情况,就是发生激进的政治动乱,以致500万难民四处逃亡,不过这只是我对未来政治局势的浅薄看法。
- "The Congress is suffering from a bad case of amnesia," Toomey wrote. “国会患上了糟糕的健忘症。”图米写道。
- Even if that is not the case different budgets might affect what database you chose for deployment. 即使那并不是因为不同的预算可能影响的你选择何种数据用于部署的情况。