- We do not need bells in our church to worship God. 我们的教堂不需要用钟声来礼拜上帝。
- Saying, This man incites men to worship God contrary to the law. 这个人煽动人不按著律法敬拜神。
- What is our primary goal and purpose when we come to worship God? 当我们敬拜神时,我们首要的目标和目的是甚麽?
- Each time you intercede, be quiet first and worship God in His glory. 你当期望那不能期望的、超过我们一切所求所想的。
- Acts 18:13 Saying, This man incites men to worship God contrary to the law. 徒十八13这个人煽动人不按著律法敬拜神。
- But with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. 只要有善行。这才与自称是敬神的女人相宜。
- "It is easy to worship God with form. But it is not easy as all that. “敬拜有形的神是容易的,但是到了那种程度也同样是不容易。
- They worship their gods more than most Westerners worship God. 他们对神的信仰程度胜过多数西方人对上帝的信仰程度。
- Each religion worships God in its own way. 每种宗教都以自己的方式崇奉上帝。
- And the place has since become a venue for people to worship gods. 而且这里也是人们供奉神仙的地方。
- Each religion worships God in its own way . 每种宗教都以自己的方式崇奉上帝。
- The shrine was full of people who went there to worship gods. 神殿里挤满了参拜神灵的人们。
- The place were the people of God worshiped God. 上帝的子民膜拜上帝的地方。
- If we worship God acceptably every day now, and not just on the sabbath, then everlasting life will be ours at the coming of our King. 如果我们现在每天拜神,而不仅仅在安息日拜神,那么在我们的王到来时永生就属于我们的了。
- The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world. 第二是在全世界任何地方,人人有以自己的方式来崇拜上帝的自由。
- This man,"they charged,"is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law. 说:“这个人劝人不按著律法敬拜上帝。
- Christian, if you would know and worship God aright, seek Him and worship Him in Christ. 哦,基督徒阿,如果你要准确的认识敬拜神,只能在基督里寻求并敬拜他。
- Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting. 因此,他们也重视道德生活,并以祈祷、施舍、斋戒恭敬天主。
- Worship God: The core of the Church ministries shall be the worship of the Triune God. 敬拜神:敬拜我们所信仰的三位一体真神是本教会的工作中心.
- O Christian, if you would know and worship God aright, seek Him and worship Him in Christ. 哦,基督徒阿,如果你要准确的认识敬拜神,只能在基督里寻求并敬拜祂。