- He usually goes out for a walk at dusk. 他通常在黄昏时出去散步。
- The street lights go on at dusk. 黄昏时候街灯就亮了。
- The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn. 路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关。
- We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。
- Children gravitate toward home at dusk. 黄昏时,小孩就自然地回家。
- worsening at dusk 夕加
- At dusk bats appear in vast numbers. 蝙蝠于傍晚时分大批出现。
- Hong Kong is most beautiful at dusk. 香港在黄昏时非常美。
- At dusk the lights of the village come on. 黄昏十分乡村的灯亮了。
- One day I saw a raccoon up in a tree at dusk. “有一天黄昏时,我看到一只浣熊在树上。
- We make a landfall at dusk after three week at sea. 在海上航行三周後的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。
- At dusk here, people's heads are always added. 黄昏时分,这里的人经常被搅得头昏脑胀的。
- At dusk she reaches Yellow River shore. 暮宿黄河边
- At dusk, we went down the mountain happily. 傍晚,我们高高兴兴地下了山。
- The shadows lengthened at dusk . 那些影子在黄昏时变长了。
- At dusk the scenery there is quite beautiful. 黄昏的时候,那儿的景色相当漂亮。
- At dusk, an intelligence officer arrived with news. 黄昏时,一个情报军官送来新消息。
- The soft, subdued light seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors. 半强度的光通常在黄昏、破晓或室内光照弱的时候出现的柔和灰暗的光线
- After a long drive we finally hauled into town at dusk. 开车走了很长时间,在黄昏时终于到达城里。
- We make a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。