- My jacket has worn to shreds. 我的夹克已经磨损破烂。
- They have torn her reputation to shreds. 他们把她的声誉全毁了。
- The machine tore her dress to shreds. 机器把她的衣服撕成碎片。
- The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire. 那件夹克让铁丝网给戳破了。
- worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing. 破成碎片的;穿着破旧的或粗糙的衣服。
- A crest or badge worn to distinguish the bearer. 纹章戴上以区别随从仆人的纹饰或标志
- worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing 破成碎片的;穿着破旧的或粗糙的衣服
- The cat tore the paper to shreds. 猫把纸抓成碎片。
- The noise wore her nerves to shreds. 吵闹声使她的神经受不了。
- The critics tore his last movie to shreds. 影评家把他最近的一部影片说得一无是处。
- Plate armor worn to protect the front of the thigh. 护腿甲为防护大腿前部而穿戴的铠甲
- Lewis tore to shreds the treatyhe had signed. 刘易斯将他亲手签署的条约撕毁。
- She is worn to a shadow with care. 她忧愁得像瘦鬼一样了。
- Lewis tore to shreds the treaty he had signed. 刘易斯将他亲手签署的条约撕毁。
- To shred(waste wood, for example) by machine. 用机器切好(例如,废木)
- A blade for the butchering, I cut them to shreds. 用那屠夫之刃。。我把它们撕成碎片。
- A smock worn to protect one's clothing from dust. 防尘衣一种防尘保护衣服的罩衫
- A cloth worn to cover the loins;a loincloth. 围腰布围在腰中的布;围裙
- Do not attempt to shred the metal objects. 严禁碎铁的物体、碎钉书钉。
- The metal plate is too worn to print. 这种纸(底片)印起来很好。