- The worldwide interest in soy beans is reason enough for the immediate publication of this book. 世界范围内对大豆的重视是本书尽快出版的充分理由。
- We are glad to see that a worldwide interest in Chinese is increasing at an accelerating tempo. 我们很高兴地看到,近年来世界各地血汉语者与日俱增。
- But despite a worldwide interest in the protection of the Amazonian rain forest, it is disappearing fast. 尽管全世界都努力保护亚马孙雨林,但它消失的速度还是很快。
- It is said that two aspects of Chinese cultural heritage have achieved worldwide interest and admiration down to present time: art and Confucianism. 可以这么说,直到现在,中国文化遗产中,仍旧受到世界拥戴和有兴趣学习的有两方面:艺术和儒家思想。
- There is worldwide interest in this test of the viability of underground storage for large-scale reduction in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. 这种地下收集CO2方法的实验成功引起了世界范围内的广泛兴趣,因为这样可以极大地减少大气中的二氧化碳排放量。
- Reactive power optimization (RPO) has received worldwide interest for its significant influence on secure and economic operation of power systems. 电力系统无功优化因对系统的安全性和经济性存在重要的作用而受到广泛的关注,该问题的目标是通过改变无功功率的分布来实现全网的有功功率损耗最小化,并且满足各种运行约束。
- Two aspects of Chinese cultural heritage have achieved worldwide interest and admiration down to present time: art and Confucianism. 可以这么说,直到现在,中国文化遗产中,仍旧受到世界拥戴和有兴趣学习的有两方面:艺术和儒家思想。
- The thrust vectoring control technology and post-stall maneuverability enhance the aircraft"s combat effectiveness greatly, and cause the worldwide interest. 推力矢量控制技术和过失速机动使战斗机的空战效能大大增加,引起了世界各国的关注。
- Now a high tech era with a core of nanomaterials, nanoelectronics and nanodoc is appeared and won worldwide interests. 当前,在全球范围内,一个以纳米材料、纳米电子学和纳米医疗为核心的高科技时代已经来临。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Our society expanded into a worldwide organization. 我们的协会扩大成一个世界性组织。
- He has an interest in a brewery. 他在一酿造厂有股份。
- Judgment is often biased by interest. 判断往往因利害关系而产生偏差。
- This move made headlines worldwide last year. 这一举动在去年成为全球性的头条新闻。
- Now Lao Jiao took even more interest in his job. 现在老焦对工作兴趣更大了。
- I can't work up any interest in this book. 我对这本书提不起任何兴趣。
- He showed no interest in the world around him. 他对周围的一切都不感兴趣。
- Await your reply with interest, we be. 对此,我司抱有很大的兴趣、恭候回信。
- Our hotel have a worldwide reputation for good service. 我们出色的饭店服务享誉世界。