- The jacket of world trend this spring is in loose-Bodied style. 今春的潮流茄克是宽松型。
- A great contribution in autumn--the jacket of world trend. 潮流茄克,秋季大奉献!
- It is the world trend to allow the legal entity to become a partner in the law of partnership. 允许法人成为合伙人是世界合伙法律制度的发展趋势。
- The Hon Bernard Chan, Chairperson of HKCSS believed that corporate citizenship has become the world trend. 社联主席陈智思相信企业公民责任是世界趋势。
- Newly-designed 14K gold jewellery following the world trend can fully satisfy modern women's demand for fashionaBle ornament arrangement. 14K 金首饰设计新颖,变化紧跟国际潮流,充分满足时髦女性对新潮服饰的搭配需求。
- It is an important act of ISO to make ISO14000?s series of environmental management after ISO9000. ISO14000 is the world trend at present. ISO14000系列环境管理标准是国际标准化组织继ISO9000后的重大举措,是当今国际潮流。
- At present,development of health food bave been become a world trend of current food study.Health food is studied all over the world. 目前,发展保健食品已成为当代食品研究和开发的世界潮流,世界各国均已开展了对保健食品的开发研究。
- Criminal litigation of untries all over the world trend to strengthen supervision and control for investigation of procuratorial organs. 世界各国刑事诉讼制度有加强检察机关对侦查的监督和控制的趋势。
- Everyone has the quality of androgyny.The indefiniteness of the androgyny is just a world trend in general.The androgyny has spied out the nature of human being. 每个人身上都存在着男女两性素质,两性边界的模糊正是世界潮流的一个总体趋势,双性同体是一种对于人类最本质的窥破。
- Under the new conditions, it’s an urgent problem that faces us how to syncretize the engineering cost management in China with the world trend and the international convention. 在新的环境、新的条件下,我国工程造价管理如何融合世界潮流与国际惯例接轨,是摆在我们面前亟待解决的问题。
- We used by the industry of chemical additives have in-depth study and understanding, and always follow the world trend, advancing with the times, maintain the relevance and advanced products. 我们对发制品行业所用的各种化工助剂有深入的研究和认识,并时刻追随世界潮流,与时俱进、保持产品的实用性和先进性。
- Western fashion always used as the leading factor;world trend is combined closely and different colors are selected by A&MAPE to highlight modern people's elegant, confident, and fashionable features. 品牌一贯以欧美休闲风尚为主导,紧密结合世界流行趋势,用不同的色系点缀出最亮丽的一道风景线,彰显出现代都市人的高雅、自信、时尚的特性!
- In terms of genre, Zhang Yimou follows the world trend of film development, borrows techniques from modern western film, and fully unleashes film’s display capability as a visual medium. 从形式上看,张艺谋自觉与世界电影的发展潮流接轨,吸收和借鉴西方现代电影艺术的表现形式和技巧,充分发挥了电影影像语言的表现力。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Thus, playing mahjong not only had a down-home flavor to it but was also in tune with world trends. 打牌不但有故乡风味,并且适合世界潮流。
- Environmental protection and freedom of trade become world trends,which might collide with each other. 环境保护与贸易自由已经成为世界潮流,二者交汇必然产生冲突。
- The world trends in the production, purchase, and storage of grain, oils, and sugar. AUTHOR PINYIN: Shang ye xin xi zhong xin. 世界粮食、油脂、食糖产、销、存趋势。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。