- Doha2006 isgoing to show the Qatar folk custom to the world. 同时,本届多哈亚运会还将尽情展示阿拉伯风情。
- Trying to discuss the impact of Buddhism to the Chinese folk customs culture 试论佛教对中国民俗文化的影响
- folk custom culture 民俗文化
- Timeless Old Street with Classical Folk Custom. 悠远老街风情。
- folk custom culture development 民俗文化开发
- Enjoy a unique status of is own in the world folk art circles. 在世界民间美术领域都是独树一帜的。
- Paper-cut of Fengxiang is a kind of folk custom. 每幅作品都洋溢着浓厚的生活气息和劳动人民对美好生活的向往。
- Sister :Welcome you to Miyun Folk Custom Pubs. 姐姐:欢迎你到密云民俗度假村。
- Tianqiao Folk Customs Cultural Square 天桥民族文化广场
- In the process of religious indigenization, the feature of mass and folk custom becomes another distinct feature of Beijing's religious culture. 在宗教活动融入北京传统文化、日益本土化的进程中,形成了具有区域特色的北京宗教文化,民众民俗性就成为北京宗教文化的又一重要特征。
- Hequ folk custom is a sediment of people history in Hequ, is the most important part of society culture and region character about Hequ. 河曲民俗是河曲人民历史相沿久而形成的风尚、习俗的积淀,是河曲社会文化中最重要、最有地域特色的组成部分之一。
- The characteristic native tour resource of the Pengjia village are charming rurality,famaous pile dwellings,honest folkway and folk custom and characteristic Tujia culture. 旖旎的田园风光、享誉中外的吊脚楼鲜、淳朴的民风民俗,极具特色的土家文化,构成了彭家寨独具特色的乡土旅游资源。
- In a set operation, the current custom culture is a replacement culture. 在设置操作中,当前自定义区域性是一个替换区域性。
- On the Folk Customs Culture and Construction of the Cultural Strong Province in West China 论民俗文化与建设西部文化强省
- May: Olympics is close. As a volunteer, I want to show our folk customs to the people from all over the world. 阿美:奥运会就快到了。作为一个志愿者,我想向来自世界各地的人们展示我们的民族文化。
- Regarded as the settlement of Tujia and Miao nationality, Western Hunan showed simple and unsophisticated, magical and unique historical site remains, national culture with deep accumulation and unique striking folk custom art form. 湖南西部作为土家族、苗族的聚居地,拥有古朴浓郁的民俗风情、神奇独特的古迹遗存,积淀了深厚的民族文化和独具魅力的民俗艺术形式。
- folk custom cultural 民俗文化
- The TextInfo object that defines the writing system associated with this custom culture. 定义与此自定义区域性关联的书写体系的TextInfo对象。
- As a kind of spirited folk customs, taboo is a part of national traditional culture. 禁忌作为一种精神民俗,是民族传统文化中的一个组成部分。
- A custom culture date and time string can be complicated and difficult to parse. 自定义区域性日期和时间字符串可能很复杂且难以分析。