- The energy crisis stunted world economic growth. 能源危机危及世界经济的发展。
- The'Guardian'is running a series of articles on Third World Economics. 《卫报》发表了论“第三世界的经济”的一系列文章。
- The 'Guardian' is running a series of articles on Third World Economics. 《卫报》发表了论《第三世界的经济》的一系列文章。
- An inclusivesurvey of world economic affairs. 世界经济情况的综合调查。
- World Economic Forum for example,is held here annually. 如一年一度的世界经济论坛就在此召开。
- This federation is the world entrepreneur's cradle, Is word fortune golden mountain, Is the world economics integration gospel! 本联合会是世界企业家的摇篮,是世界财富的金山,是世界经济一体化的福音!
- He made possible a revolution in world economics and an upheaval in the world balance of power. 他使世界经济发生了一场革命,打乱了世界力量的平衡。
- They are generally conducive to world economic development. 经济全球化和贸易自由化的发展,总体上对全球经济发展有好处。
- World economics' disease on first cannot convalesce, China's sneeze also with difficulty stops. 世界经济的疾病一日不能痊愈,中国的喷嚏也难以停止。
- After financial Tsunami, world economics' authority constitution and the domain, will certainly to rewrite. 金融海啸之后,世界经济的权力构成和版图,必将重写。
- Colin Powell will address the World Economic Forum Sunday. 鲍威尔周日将在世界经济论坛发表演讲。
- The world economic depression leaves its mark on Switzerland. 瑞士也受到世界经济危机的影响。
- World economics forum President Schwabe: I opposed “the enterprise repays the society” formulation. 世界经济论坛主席施瓦布:我非常反对“企业回报社会”的提法。
- Now, China needed in the world economics stage, the display and the own status symmetric function. 现在,中国需要在世界经济舞台上,发挥与自己的地位相称的作用了。
- This is world economics forum President Schwabe (), Tianjin Mayor Huang Xingguo (left) with Dalian Mayor Xia Deren at the closing ceremony. 这是世界经济论坛主席施瓦布(中)、天津市长黄兴国(左)和大连市长夏德仁在闭幕式上。
- However, in world economics prospect not bright, this gold week appears is overshadowed, the passenger expends the unavoidable reduction. 不过,在世界经济前景未明朗下,这个黄金周显得黯然失色,旅客消费难免减少。
- Wall Street this time rushes the calamity, is only a representation, the bottom of the affair is the world economics continues many year imbalance. 华尔街这次闯的祸,只是表象,真正原因是世界经济持续多年的失衡。
- The US, Western Europe are looking forward to China and so on emerging economy to infuse the new vigor for the world economics. 美国、西欧都在巴望着中国等新兴经济体给世界经济注入新的活力。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- At the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2001, the mood was sombre. 2001年1月在达沃斯举办的世界经济论坛上,到处弥漫着悲观的情绪。