- workpiece reference frame 工件坐标系
- The Multiple Reference Frame Feature in ADINA CFD. 多参考坐标系算法。
- This equation describes the transformation of the determinant 9 from one reference frame to another. 这个方程式给出了从一个参照标架转到另一个参照标架时行列式9的变换式。
- We now wish to determine the lengths of these rods when viewed from a moving reference frame. 现在我们想确定,当从运动的参照系看时,这些杆有多长。
- This proves that any tensor equation which holds true in one reference frame is also true in any other frame. 这证明了在一个参照标架中成立的任一张量方程,在另一参照标架中也成立。
- It is an established convention to speak of the fixed stars as a standard unaccelerated reference frame. 把固定的恒星说成是标准的非加速参照系,这是一种已经确立的习惯。
- It is particularly important to understand forces that act in a reference frame in circular motion. 特别重要的是,我们一定要搞清楚在作圆周运动的参照系中起作用的那些力。
- Or your reference frame is at rest in an aircraft that accelerates rapidly on takeoff. 另外,你的参照系静止在一架起飞之后迅速加速的飞机上。
- The model is continued by imposing a polar coordinate system on the moving reference frame. 通过把极坐标系作为该运动参照系而继续对模式进行积分。
- DTC directly calculate and control the torque of AC drive in the stator reference frame. 直接转矩控制在定子坐标系下计算和控制交流电机的转矩,采用定子磁场定向控制,直接对逆变器的开关状态进行最佳的控制。
- It is suggested that the PRF-ITRF2000 is probably an appropriate absolute reference frame. 比较了这 3种板块绝对运动模型的利弊。 综合起来看PRF -ITRF2 0 0 0可能是一个比较合适的基于空间数据的绝对参考架
- Remanent magnetism of soil layer is taken as a reference frame for locating hy-drocarbon seepage zone. 本文利用土壤剩余磁性作为确定烃类渗漏带的参考系。
- The criteria for judging advisability of reference frame obtained with the two methods are given. 对这两种方法所采用的参考框架的合理性给出了判别准则。
- It is an established convention to speak of the fixed stars as a standard unaccelerated reference frame . 把固定的恒星说成是标准的非加速参照系,这是一种已经确立的习惯。
- Based on the cross section of the magnetic inverse Compton scattering in the laboratory reference frame, the spectrum function is recalculated. 利用实验室坐标系磁 Compton散射截面公式 ;对谱函数进行了更精确的计算 .
- Dual-passage excitation control system of ACEG based on dynamic synchronous reference frame are realized, using the high speed DSP(TMS320VC5402). 利用高速数字信号处理器(TMS320VC5402)实现交流励磁发电机基于动态同步坐标轴系的双通道励磁控制系统。
- Unusable clipboard range. Set 'seek exactly off' or specify reference frames. 剪贴板范围不可使用。请设置“超出范围”或指定参照帧。
- Then it geos into details of what is a terrestrial reference frame and how it is formed, including its recent development. 其次较详细地说明地球参考标架究竟是什么,它是如何形成的,直到现在它的发展情况。
- Two events that occur at the same moment if observed from one reference frame may occur at different moments if viewed from another. 从某个参考坐标系来看,同时发生的两个事件,对于另一坐标系而言,可能就发生于不同的时刻。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。