- work without hope of reward 没有希望获得报偿的工作
- He worked hard without any hope of reward. 他努力工作却不期待报酬。
- Elinor was not without hope of exciting his politeness. 埃利诺心里希望唤起他的礼貌。
- Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve, And hope without an object can not live.---Percy Bysshe Shelley,British poet. 没有希望的工作就像往筛子里泼洒甘露(喻徒劳无功),没有目标的希望不能实现---P.;B
- Human Rights Organization issued a report highlighting the plight of thousands of child offenders serving life sentences in US prisons without hope of parole. 人权组织发出一份报告;强调美国监狱中数千名少年犯的困境;他们被判无期徒刑而无望假释.
- Why is my pain unending and my wound without hope of being made well?Sorrow is mine, for you are to me as a stream offering false hope and as waters which are not certain. 我的痛苦、为何长久不止呢.我的伤痕、为何无法医治、不能痊愈呢.难道你待我有诡诈、像流乾的河道麽。
- He finished the work without any difficulty. 他轻而易举地完成了这项工作。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- She is never absent from work without good cause. 她决不无故缺勤。
- The hope of opening the hotel before Christmas lent wings to their work. 他们希望旅店在圣诞节前开张营业,所以加快了工程的进度。
- He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了。
- Perhaps because this connection is so intimate, the Ultimates regard one who loses their Ultimate Power permanently - without hope of regaining it - as schiavo, or "dead while breathing". 等等,让我冷静一下。虽然专业知识我一点不懂,逻辑训练可不差。同是3秒处产生活跃,凭什么说是前额区在调节视觉区,而不是视觉区在调节前额区呢?
- Therefore, meditation is truly a kind of reward! 所以打坐真是一种奖赏!
- The lorry was damaged beyond hope of repair. 卡车严重损坏,已无修复的希望。
- Worthy, as of reward, praise, or aid. 值得(奖励、赞扬或帮助)的
- It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay. 做工作不能白做,这是明摆著的事。
- His hope of winning is oozing away. 他对赢的希望渐渐破灭了。
- Let the system work without a lot of government interference, and everything will be ok. 让市场体系起作用,而政府不要干预,那么一切都会好的。
- The doctors held out no hope of recovery. 医生们对痊愈不抱希望。
- I called in the hope of finding her at home. 我希望她能在家才给她打的电话。