- When work steady is experienced. 工作时稳重老练。
- Works steady -- splurges on dinner out occasionally. 工作稳定,偶尔能外出美餐一顿。
- It can work steadier to adopt hydraulic balanced axial force. 采用水力平衡轴向力,减少平衡鼓,可使运行更为平稳。
- He set to work steadily on replacing the panes of the side windows. 他稳稳地在替换侧窗的玻璃。
- It's machine's turn to is main used for various royal crown cover bottle, have structure forerunner, work steady, operation maintain convenience, produce efficiency Gao of characteristics. 该机主要用于各种皇冠盖瓶口,具有结构先进、工作平稳、操作维修方便、生产效率高的特点。
- Inner using off-line PWM switch constant-current supply driver, working steady, high efficient, function-reliable. 内部采用隔离式开关电源恒流驱动,安全可靠,效率高,性能稳定。
- Iner using isolation-swicth constant-current supply driver,efficient,working steady, function-reliable. 内部采用隔离开关电源恒流驱动,效率高,工作稳定,性能可靠。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- Appropriate friction, guaranteeing to soak the oil clutch and work steadily effectively. 适度的摩擦性,保证浸油离合器平稳有效地工作。
- Over one year operation shows that the equipment can work steadily under crucial circumstance around BF tuyere. 一年多的运行结果表明该装置能够在高炉风口的恶劣环境下稳定工作。
- The advantage of the system is miniaturized, able to resiste disturbance and work steadily and is of high precision. 本系统的优点是能够自动进行校阵、小型化、抗干扰能力强、工作稳定、定位精度高。
- From jackaroo aboard for the first time in those days case, lin Zongqing forward established target work steadily goes. 从当年第一次上船实习起,林宗清就朝着既定的目标一步一个脚印走去。
- One should work steadily and make solid progresses as every step leaves its print instead of having aleatory mentality. 做人要脚踏实地.;一步一个脚印
- From nonexistence to existence, work steadily and make solid progress from small to large. 从无到有、从小到大,一步一个脚印。
- We've been working steadily for three hours; I think we'd better take a break. 我们不停地干了三个小时,我想我们最好休息一下。
- The main problem in the hardware design is to miniaturize the system, raise the disturb-resistance, and make it work steadily and accurately. 硬件设计过程中主要考虑的问题就是系统的小型化、抗干扰能力强、工作稳定、高精度的要求。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有机会发挥他才能的工作。
- The main problem in the hardware designment is to miniaturize the system , raise the disturb-resistance , and make it work steadily and accurately. 硬件设计过程中主要考虑的问题就是系统对小型化、抗干扰能力强、工作稳定、高精度的要求。