- The company has three films in work right now. 那公司目前有三部影片正拍摄中。
- As often as not I skip lunch and work right through. 我经常是不吃午饭而继续干下去的。
- Does the vaccine work right away? 流感疫苗会否立即产生作用?
- The prisoners fell to work right away. 罪犯立刻开始工作了。
- I propose to begin the work right tonight. 我建议这工作今晚就开始。
- Hedonism.._.My uploads never seem to work right. 没有任何对此用户的评论。
- Employers value employees who come to work right on time. 雇主看重那些按时上班的雇员。
- Now that you are all back,we'd better start the work right away. 既然你们都回来了,我们最好马上开始工作。
- I will pick you up after work right at the company gate. 下班后我在公司大门口接你。
- Now that you are all back, we'd better start the work right away. 既然你们都回来了,我们最好马上开始工作。
- With your permission, we will start this work right now. 只要你允许,我们马上就着手做这项工作。
- I can begin to work right away because I am out of work now. 我可以即刻开始上班,因为我现在没有工作。
- I have to get to work soon.I have to get to work right away. 我得赶紧去上班。
- These two genes do not work right in people with microcephaly. 在有头小畸型病的人中,这两个基因不起作用。
- That kung fu stuff is hard work right? Are your biceps sore? 功夫可够累人的哈你二头肌酸不?
- We will start working right away. 我们马上就动手。
- Can we start working right after that? 然后就可以开始工作了吗?
- The shower is not working right. 沐浴器不灵了。
- But my Eudora (email client) is not working right. 谢谢!!我直接把时区设成美国中部,就可以了。
- Would you mind giving me a hand? ---Sorry. I'm busy with my work right now. 你来帮我一下好吗?---对不起。我现在很忙。