- work process guidance pattern 工作过程
- Process guidance explains each work item in terms of what states are available and what they mean. 过程指南从哪些状态可用以及这些状态的含义的角度解释每个工作项。
- Process guidance provides a brief explanation of each work item query you can run on the team project. 过程指南提供可对团队项目运行的每个工作项查询的简短说明。
- Many companies and organizations have formalized process and process guidance to help companies work more efficiently. 许多公司和组织都有规范化的过程和过程指南,帮助公司更有效地工作。
- NET work process can't be debugged by default. NET工作进程在缺省情况下就无法被调试。
- The process guidance framework can also be customized. 该过程指南框架也可以进行自定义。
- Process guidance explains the purpose of each work product, shows a sample, and provides a link to the work product template. 过程指南解释每个工作产品的用途,显示示例,并提供指向工作产品模板的链接。
- On the process guidance work items index page, click the name of the work item to access process guidance for that work item. 在过程指南工作项索引页,单击工作项的名称以访问该工作项的过程指南。
- The bug work item type is one of the work items that are included in MSF for Agile Software Development process guidance. Bug工作项类型是MSF for Agile Software Development过程指南中包含的工作项之一。
- Structure,characteristics and work process of the dev... 介绍了这种装置的结构、特点以及工作过程。
- Process guidance is the content that documents the roles, work items, work products, activities, and reports for a specific software development process. 过程指南的内容记录特定软件开发过程的角色、工作项、工作产品、活动和报告。
- Process guidance provides details about a team project, such as how to complete work item fields, examples of healthy and unhealthy reports, and descriptions of the queries. 过程指南提供关于团队项目的详细信息,例如如何完成工作项字段、正常和不正常报告示例以及查询说明。
- The following table describes each content item in process guidance. 下表描述了过程指南中的每一种内容项。
- The working process should be simplified. 工作程序应该简化。
- Maintains log of all work processed. 保持日常工作记录。
- On the Visual Studio Help menu, the Team Project Process Guidance command. Visual Studio“帮助”菜单上的“团队项目过程指南”命令。
- What is ID rating system working process? 如果进行信用评价?
- The working process should be simplified . 工作程序应该简化。
- Windows SharePoint Services Visual Studio Team System includes a team project portal integrating process guidance, project documents, templates, and work item tracking capabilities. Windows SharePoint Services Visual Studio Team System包括一个团队项目门户,其中集成了过程指南、项目文档、模板和工作项跟踪等各项功能。
- In Chinese, a computer is popularly known as an "electrical brain", for the working process of a computer is similar to a human brain very much. 在中文里,计算机有一个人所共知的雅号:“电脑”。这是因为计算机的工作过程与人的大脑思维过程极为相似。