- Reflections on the Work as Ombudsman in Tertiary College 做好高校信访工作的几点思考
- I want to work as a porter in a hotel. 我想在旅馆里当一名搬运工。
- He used to do such work as he could pick up. 他惯常能够找到什么活就干什么活。
- The girls are as busy with their work as bees. 这些女孩子就跟蜜蜂一样忙着工作。
- Critics praised the work as highly original. 评论家们称赞该作品独树一帜。
- She did twice as much work as her brother. 她干的工作比她弟弟干的多一倍。
- The poor woman went to work as usual. 那可怜的女人照常去上班。
- They set to work as soon as they arrived. 他们一抵达就开始工作。
- Suggestions on Setting up and Perfecting Mechanism of Work as Ombudsman in Land and Resource Line 关于建立健全国土资源信访工作长效机制的意见
- Joe had to work as blacksmith in place of his lazy father. 乔只得代替他懒惰的父亲去当铁匠。
- Despite the threat of war, people go about their work as usual. 尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。
- Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual. 尽管战争一触即发,人们仍像平时一样工作。
- Although I got up with a headache, I went to work as usual. 尽管早上起来头疼,我还是照常上班。
- She worked as a lass at his house. 她在他家当女仆。
- She worked as a teller in our bank. 她在我们的银行里当出纳员。
- Once again Lang had tried to set himself up as ombudsman, and once again the Regent had rejected him out of hand. 于是朗就试图自己担任委员会代言人,瑞金特立刻又拒绝了他。
- I wouldn't want to do shift work as Colin does; I like to keep regular hours. 我不愿象柯琳那样干轮班工作,我喜欢有规律的生活。
- She works as PA to the managing director. 她给总经理作私人助理。
- Working Hard to Create New Situation of Work as Ombudsman of Land and Resources in Dongying District 东营市东营区努力开创国土资源信访工作新局面
- He works as well as a skilled worker. 他工作和熟练工人一样出色。