- The coat is thick with a coarse guard coat of sufficient length to protect a woolly undercoat. 阿拉斯加马拉密犬有各种不同的颜色。它们脸部的斑纹是很显著的特点。
- The mature coat consists of a dense, soft, woolly undercoat much like the puppy coat, and a coarser outer coat that is wavy or curly. 成年狗的被毛有两层,一层象幼犬被毛那样的、柔软、浓密、絮状的底毛,一层粗糙、高低不平、卷曲的外层披毛。
- The weather resistant double coat consists of a long, flat, thick, outer coat of coarse hair, straight or slightly undulating, and lying over a dense, fine, woolly undercoat. 长而平贴的浓密厚实双层披毛对抗恶劣的气候,外层的披毛较粗,平直或有轻微地波浪状,底层毛就像羊毛般细密而柔软平顺。
- woolly undercoat 羊毛外衣
- Having a fluffy or woolly appearance. 絮状的有绒毛状或羊毛状外表的
- Having or consisting of woolly hairs. 绵状毛的有或由棉状细毛组成的
- Put an extra woolly on when you go out. 出去时多加件毛衣。
- Made up of or containing woolly masses. 絮凝的由絮状物构成的或含絮状物的
- I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。
- This cloth has a warm woolly feel. 这块布摸上去毛茸茸的。
- An undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting. 底漆,涂底料油漆之前,涂在某一表面上作准备的底漆或涂料
- Coat is hard and coarse, never curly or woolly, with a thick undercoat of fine hair, giving an unkempt appearance. 被毛坚硬而粗糙,决不能卷曲或呈羊毛质,厚实的底毛由细腻的毛发组成,外貌显得乱蓬蓬的。
- A thick undercoat is common to all. 浓密的底毛是身体各部位都有的。
- A sheep has a thick woolly coat. 绵羊有一层卷曲柔软的厚毛。
- The undercoat is soft and dense. 底层被毛柔软浓密。
- That used to be a wild and woolly district. 那里原是一个未开化的地区。
- The Springer has an outer coat and an undercoat. 英国激飞猎犬拥有外层披毛和底毛。
- The undercoat, however, may be slightly lighter. 底毛,颜色可能略浅一些。
- A profuse frill on chest.There is no undercoat. 背上和身体两侧的毛发笔直。
- The woolly shrank because it was washed badly. 这件套头毛衣因洗涤不当而缩水了。