- wool spinning machinery 毛纺机械
- The industrial area will focus on clothes (wool spinning), building materials, machinery and medical instrument. 工业集聚地重点发展服装(毛纺)、建材、机械制造、医疗器械四大行业。
- Wuxi Hua An Wool Spinning (Group) Co., Ltd. 杭州新兴安织造有限公司无锡华安毛纺(集团)有限公司。
- Founded in 1994, now has four sets of wool spinning equipment, rapier 48. 公司创建于1994年,现拥有毛纺纱设备四套,剑杆织机48台。
- wool spinning and weaving machinery 毛纺织机械
- This paper is focused on bearing in can coiler of gilling machine, which is a sort of spinning machinery. 本文针对纺纱设备中的针梳机展开研究,选择针梳机圈条器轴承结构进行强度分析,提出了改进方案。
- Spinning Machinery and Twisting Machines for Natural and Man Made Fibres, Wadding, Felting and Hat-Making Machines, Non Woven Fabric Machinery, Cordage and Rope-Making Machinery. 天然纤维和化学纤维用纺纱机及加捻机械,填絮,缩绒,制帽机,无纺织物机械,搓绳制绳机。
- Disk asmpler Used for cutting circular specimen of wool spinning cotton spinning chemic-al fibre and knitting fabrics. 用于切取各毛纺、棉纺、化纤、针织等织物的圆形样品。
- Business types include : jacquard weave, embroider, printing, wool spinning, cotton, etc. 经营类型包括:提花、绣花、印花、毛纺、棉纺等等。
- Briefly introduced here are main factors involving flocking process of clearing roll in spinning machinery and trial development is done to thread breakage of flocked products. 简述了纺纱机械中清花辊静电植绒的主要影响因素,并对植绒产品掉绒问题进行了试验研究工作。
- It is withy and smooth, colour and lustre is bright, bulk Feng Song, be considered as in the world precious wool spinning raw material. 它柔韧光滑,色泽明亮,体积逢松,在国际上被认为是珍贵的的毛纺原料。
- A.is widely used in many industries such as wool spinning,knitting,carpet,antipilling fabric,fake fur &decorative cloth etc. 广泛适用于毛纺、针织、毛毯、人造毛皮、摇粒绒、针织布、装饰用布等众多行业。
- Floss spinning, wool spinning and chemical fiber equipment such as : combine, drawing frame, floss comber, fiter, carding machine, spinneret, measure pump, etc. 棉纺类有清梳联合机、并条机、棉精梳机及滤尘设备;毛纺类有梳理机、制条机、精纺成套设备;化纤类有喷丝头、计量泵、混条、制条等设备。
- COMPANY PROFILE Wuxi Wema International Trading Co.,Ltd.is a professional company integrates scientific development,production and marketing of micromotor and wool spinning. 无锡威马贸易有限公司系一家集科技开发、生产、营销于一体化的专业公司,公司专业从事于微电机类、毛纺类产品。
- The company aims at providing the Chinese Textile Spinning Milles with truly innovative and state of art technology spinning machinery to translate in ultimate benefit to customers in P.R. 朗维纺织机械(苏州)有限公司将为中国的纺纱企业提供创新的和先进的纺纱机械,旨在带给中国用户满意的商业利益和价值。
- Usage: It is uesd for recording the output finished products produced through different types of flyer frames ,drawing frames and combers for cotton spinning,wool spinning,hemp spinning and provided with auto-stop at fixed length function. 用途:本表用于记录各种型号的棉纺、毛纺、麻纺,绢纺等粗纱机、并条机、精梳机所生产的成品或半成品的产量,具有定长自停功能。
- Yarn-steaming,which can improve the quality of wool yarn,reduce the flam of fabrics and improve the luster-and-feel of fabrics,is an important process in the program of fine wool spinning. 在精毛纺工艺中,蒸纱是一道非常重要的工序,它能提高纱线的质量,减少织物疵点,提高织物的光泽和手感。随着现代纺织技术的发展,纺织品对蒸纱的要求越来越高。
- glossary of terms used in spinning machinery 纺织机械术语
- chemical fibre spinning machinery 化学织维纺丝机
- International Spinning Machinery Fairs 国际纺机展会