- Wool production was large and converted to an assortment of textile fabrics. 羊毛的产量是巨大的,变成了各类的纺织品。
- The utilization efficienci- es of digestible energy were 0.190,0.278 and 0.747 respectively for wool product ion,foetus growth and body gain of the doe,and the efficieneies of digested pr- otein 0.432,0.567 and 0.853 respectively. 消化能用于产毛、胎儿和母体中能量沉积的效率分别为0.;190、0
- In this paper,as finishing agents,potassium fluotitanate and aminoethylaminopropyl polydimethylsiloxane(AEAPS) were used on the wool product to attain flame retardant property and soft feeling. 以氟钛酸钾和氨乙基氨丙基聚二甲基硅氧烷(AEAPS)为整理剂,对羊毛产品进行阻燃整理,使其具有阻燃的性能和柔软的手感等多重功能。
- I engaged in all kinds of cashmere products, wool products and the wholesale business. 我处从事各种羊绒制品及羊毛制品的批发业务。
- Ship manufacturing requires rock wool products with special properties. Jun Lian brand rock wool products are widely used in exported ship made in China. 造船业使用的岩棉制品各项指标比一般岩棉制品高,君莲牌岩棉制品经过特别的加工,被广泛应用于中国出口船舶制造。
- An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of varying levels of dietary methionine on nitrogen utilization,wool production and relative blood traits of Angora rabbits. 利用32只1岁左右体重3 5kg的安哥拉兔研究了日粮不同蛋氨酸水平对氮利用、产毛性能及相关血液指标的影响。
- Overseas as an example, the real people who travel to Australia to buy the colored wool products, sheepskin boots, sheep oil, Jolie cosmetics, etc., on the site are for sale. 以海外为例,真正去澳大利亚旅游的人能够买到的各色羊毛制品、羊皮靴子、绵羊油、茱莉化妆品等等,在该网站上都有销售。
- An investigation of the German angora rabbits bred on our college farm showed that the correlation of adult body weight with wool production is differ- ent between two sexes:0.223 for the bucks and 0.354 for the does. 本文通过各项统计表明;德系安哥拉公、母兔体重与产毛量间的关系不同。 体重与产毛量的相关系数;公兔0.;223、母兔0
- The final acceptance of Continuous sandwich panel production plants for rock wool production supplied by Industrie PU.MA s.r.l Italy has made by Shanghai Nupa building material Co, Ltd in April 2009. 我公司独家代理的意大利普玛公司岩棉夹芯板连续生产线于2009年4月在上海诺派建材有限公司顺利通过设备验收。
- Be sure to wrap up your son in wool. 一定要给你儿子穿上毛衣。
- We are keen to promote value added products made in Australia and New Zealand esp. pure and natural health foods, natural and organic skincare products, wine, sheepskin and wool products. 随着中国人民的富裕,对澳新天然有机的高质量的保健护肤品需求日益增多,对澳新时尚生活和高品位产品如葡萄酒,羊毛制品等均有大量需求。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- She dabbed at the cut with cotton wool. 她用药棉轻轻地按了按伤口。
- These goats are specially bred for their wool. 这些山羊是专为剪取羊毛而饲养的。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。
- They used only natural pigments to dye the wool. 他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。
- I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想贵公司可能会对敝公司的新产品感兴趣。
- Besides, it's make of pure wool, very soft. 另外,这是纯羊毛的,手感柔和。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- This wool suit is very expensive. 这套毛料套装十分昂贵。