- Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabrics under no pressure. 用于毛针织物及其它织物不受压力情况下的起球试验。
- Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabrics under on pressure. 用于毛针织物及其它织物不受压力情况下起球试验。
- Used for testing pilling of wool knitted fabric and other fabric under on pressure. 用于毛针织物及其它织物不受压力情况下起球试验。
- I know that this wool knits up well. 我知道这种毛线很好织。
- New processing technologies have been developed and adopted to further improve the softness of Merino wool knitted products. 全新加工技术的应用进一步提升了美丽诺羊毛针织品的柔软度。
- A new method, which cooling wool knitted fabric is got by using heavy-twist and hydrophilic finishing, has been put forward. 提出了使用强捻纱及面料亲水性整理以获得凉爽毛针织面料的新方法。
- In this thesis, the influences of the yarn surface fibers, wool treatment and cover factor of knitted fabric on the prickle of wool knitted sweaters' collars were studied. 本论文主要研究纱线表面毛羽、羊毛处理方法和针织物的覆盖系数等对羊毛衫领圈刺痒感的影响,目的是指导男士羊毛衫领圈材料的选用。
- Keywords wool knitted garment;CAD;handmade;style;data;memorize; 毛针织服装;CAD;手绘;款式;数据;记录;
- She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
- This nylon doesn't knit up as well as pure wool. 这种尼龙不象纯羊毛那样好织。
- She knitted her sweater out of red wool. 她用红毛线编织毛衣。
- She knitted stockings out of wool. 她用毛线织袜子。
- This wool knits up well. 这种毛线很好织。
- He knitted up his remarks briefly. 他匆匆结束了谈话。
- Be sure to wrap up your son in wool. 一定要给你儿子穿上毛衣。
- Fixed assets totals 160 million Yuan, and the flooting capital exceeds to 200 million Yuan.It has 3600 workers to run 12000 spindles.The annual production capacity is 10,000 tons wool knitting yarns. 集团拥有9个骨干企业,固定资产1.;6亿元,流动资金2亿元,员工3600人,生产规模12000纱锭,年设计生产能力10000吨绒线,居中国绒线单厂生产规模之冠。
- She dabbed at the cut with cotton wool. 她用药棉轻轻地按了按伤口。
- His broken bone knitted quickly. 他的断骨很快就愈合了。
- These goats are specially bred for their wool. 这些山羊是专为剪取羊毛而饲养的。
- I gave her a knitted shawl as a Christmas gift. 我送给她一条编织的披肩作圣诞礼物。