- The pub had dark wood panelling. 这家酒馆用的是黑木镶板。
- Some houses have wood panelling. 有些房子用的是木板材条。
- Ben broke a wood panel near the door. 本把门附近的板条弄坏了。
- She saw herself mirrored in the shiny wood panelling. 她看到自己在光亮的木板上映照出的影像。
- She burned the image of a tiger into the wood panel. 她在木嵌板上烙出了虎的形象。
- Wood panelling and original artwork create an aura of old world charm. 木镶板和原始艺术品创造一个旧世界的魅力光环。
- Wood and parquet flooring and wood panelling and cladding - Determination of dimensional stability. 木材、镶木地板、镶木和镶面。尺寸稳定性的测定。
- The steep sloping Thai roofs, wood panelling and the walkways over lotus ponds is no longer something of the past. 传统历史中的泰国式斜屋顶、格子和莲花池塘上的步行道成为酒店的一部份。
- It is 8 metres long and in the centre of a room with candelabra and real wood panelling. 这是8米长,在该中心内的一个房间,与烛台,和真正的木材镶板。
- Three of the microphones were disguised as sleeves for water pipes behind the wood panelling, looking exactly like those already there. 三个麦克风被伪装成袖子,为水管背后的木材镶板,寻找酷似那些已经存在。
- The decorator had the wood paneling painted to imitate marble. 油漆工油漆了木质镶板来模仿大理石。
- After outlining the work on a mural-sized wood panel, he became blocked and could not go on. 在概述的工作,壁画规模人造板,他成为阻挡,无法继续下去。
- Urea -formaldehyde (UF) resins are widely used as the most important type adhesive in the wood panel industry. 脲醛树脂是广泛应用于木材工业中一种重要的胶粘剂。
- Modern analysis of the wood panel support has since proved that it postdates Holbein's death. 当代木镶板分析报告已证实,这幅画在荷尔拜因逝世后才现世。
- Featuring wood panelling, rooms provide various amenities that include a balcony with a sitting area, DVD player, internet access and a rain shower in the bathroom. 客房以当代泰国风格装修,配有丝绸和泰国手工艺品。大部分客房还设有带摇床的宽大阳台,可以让您一边休息室一边欣赏海景。
- A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bonded to a gypsum plaster core, used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls. 石膏灰泥板,灰胶纸柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板结合几层纤维板或纸浆板制成的硬板,在建筑中用于代替灰泥或木板来建造墙壁
- The thin poplar wood panel around Leonardo da Vinci's painting is showing signs of warping, causing curators at the Louvre "some worry". 达芬奇这幅画四周薄薄的白杨木画框已经有变形的迹象,这令卢浮宫馆长有些忧虑。
- Koch, G.S., F.Klareich, and B.Exstrum,1987. Adhesives for the Composite Wood Panel Industry. Noyes Data Corporation. New Jersey, U.S.A. 刘正字等,1993,木材胶合技术及应用,林产工业丛书第14,中华民国林产事业协会。
- This was a tempera painting on wood panel, made in the traditional Spanish method. Egg yolks were mixed with colorants to serve as paint. 用西班牙壁画的古法制作成不变形的厚木板,在上面涂上底基物,再将色粉泡12小时,以蛋黄作调剂,使用小圭笔慢慢作画完成。
- Do Wood Panels Bonded with PF Resins Have Environmental Pollution Problems? 使用酚醛树脂作胶粘剂的人造板有没有环境污染问题?