- Under the statement of several typical wood oil plants and exploitation situation in southern mountain areas of China,the developmental advices were brought forward. 在介绍我国南方山区代表性的几种木本油料植物及其开发现状的基础上,提出了今后的发展建议。
- Wood Oil Plant is an Important Mountain Resources in South China 木本油料是我国南方山区有待开发的重要财富
- wood oil plants 木本油料
- The utility of oil plants is briefly introduced. 指出了部分油脂植物可以栽培并在温带地区推广。
- Guoqiang natural wood oil is ready to use. Do not thin. Stir well. 国强木蜡油开罐即用。充分搅拌,无须稀释。
- Oil plants, pod and sea food also take the top place in Jiangsu. 油料、蚕茧、水产品产量也居全省首位。
- The Position of Medium and Small Lubricating Oil Plants? 中小型润滑油厂的位置在哪里?
- Fine selection of wood carving wood oil Thailand, Myanmar and valuable gold wings nanmu wood, all painted gold. 木雕选用上乘的泰国油木、缅甸金丝楠木和名贵鸡翅木,全部贴金彩绘。
- Pre-esterification of China wood oil catalyzed by solid acid in fixed bed reactor was researched. 利用固定床反应器,以固体酸为催化剂催化桐油预酯化反应。
- The microstructure of raw materials produeing Chinese traditional ink, Turpentine soot and China wood oil soot was studied by HRTEM. 利用高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)对传统工艺生产的制墨用桐油烟和松烟的微结构进行研究发现桐油烟和松烟具有比较典型的同心取向准石墨结构。
- Production of Lin Guang anticorrosive wood oil select natural material, it has strong percolating force and adhesive force. 林光牌防腐木油选用天然原料精制而成,具有超强的渗透和附着力。
- And this suction aspirator is applicable to clearing up cottonseed in oil plants. 该风选器适用油脂工厂对棉子的清理。
- Can tidy up the wheat,paddy,rice,oil plants mesne big,small,light mixed and lampblack end. 能有效清理小麦、稻谷、玉米、油料中的大、小、轻杂及灰尘等。
- Mixed uniformity before use it, the first layer should be thin and well-proportioned, wood oil which are not absorbed should be erased by rag after twenty minutes. 使用前要搅拌均匀,第一道打底层薄而均匀,20分钟后用抹布擦掉未被吸收的木油。
- According to the citations,some Chinese traditional herbs and essential oil plants are abundant in farnesol. 金合欢醇广泛存在于植物体的花、叶、茎等部位之中,尤其是在一些中草药植物和香料植物中具有较高含量。
- According to the citations, some Chinese traditional herbs and essential oil plants are abundant in farnesol. 金合欢醇广泛存在于植物体的花、叶、茎等部位之中,尤其是在一些中草药植物和香料植物中具有较高含量。
- An outgrowth or appendage at or near the hilum of certain seeds, as of the castor - oil plant. 脐阜在某些种子如蓖麻籽的种脐或靠近种脐处的一个突出物或附属物
- Accompanied with the further study on JCL (Jatropha curcas L.) resources, the industrialization project of Jatropha oil plants has been in implementing. 摘要随着麻疯树资源的研究逐渐深入,麻疯果油料综合利用的产业化已在实施当中。
- Integrated Utilization and Exploitation of the Special Type Oil Plant Borago Officinalis L. 特种油料植物玻璃苣开发利用。
- The content of unsaturated fatty acid in thin cayenne peper seeds is higher than the popular seeds of oil plant. 新疆线椒籽油中不饱和脂肪酸含量为 84.;9%25;两者比目前常见植物油不饱和脂肪酸含量均高。