- Corrosion resistance and high strength. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. 耐蚀,强度高。铝合金氩弧焊用。
- Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨性好。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。
- Good corrosion resistance, weldability and ductility. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. 良好的耐蚀性、可焊性及塑性。铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。
- Good ductility and corrosion resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum. 塑性好、耐蚀。纯铝气焊、氩弧焊用。
- Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. 机械性能好,铜合金氩弧焊及钢的MIG钎焊用。
- Good master of process of argon arc welding, gas shielded arc welding, laser beam welding, etc. 精通氩弧焊、气体保护焊,激光焊等焊接工艺;
- Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. 机械性能好,抗裂性好。紫铜气焊及氩弧焊用。
- Corrosion resistance and high strength, wide range of usage. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. 耐蚀、强度高,通用性大。铝合金氩弧焊用。
- Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. 耐磨、耐蚀。铜合金氩弧焊及钢的堆焊用。
- Therefore, the stain-less steel hip flask adopts argon arc welding technique, it is the initiate of home. 其中,不锈钢酒壶采用氩弧焊工艺,系国内首创。
- Various operating method of argon arc welding,can applicable for different customer with different usage. 多种氩弧焊操作方式,可适应于不同使用习惯的用户要求。
- Many kinds of argon arc welding operating mode, may adapt the different use custom user request. 多种氩弧焊操作方式、可适应不同使用习惯的用户要求。
- Corrosion resistance, wide range of usage. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys other than high magnesium alloys. 抗裂性好,通用性大。铝合金气焊、氩弧焊用。不宜用高镁合金。
- wolfram pole argon arc-welding 钨极氩弧焊
- Its monthly production capacity for iron frame &fork of argon arc welding are 280,000 sets, for aluminum alloy frame &fork are 200,000 sets. 企业拥有强大的技术开发实力,可承担各类自行车和电动产品的设计以满足客户提出的各种要求。
- The paper introduced the process with argon arc welding of tungsten electrode to repair turbine rotor of1# generator system. 本文主要介绍了我厂利用钨极氩弧焊将1%23电机组汽轮机转子修复的工艺过程。
- Nickel rod needs to be lengthen by argon arc welding before the electroslag refinements, large welding parameters are needed to assure the sufficient penetration. 金属镍在电渣精炼前需用氩弧焊焊接接长,为保证焊接接头具有足够熔深,需要大参数进行焊接。
- The alternating argon arc welding torch is applicable to aluminum, magnesium and their alloy; the welding torch is applicable to stainless steel copper, titanium, carbon steel etc. 交流氩弧焊适用于铝、镁及其铝合金,直流氩弧焊适用于不锈钢、铜、钛、碳钢等。
- Can argon arc root welding and manual arc cap welding be substituted with common manual arc welding on seamless steel line pipe below 5mm wall thickness with 9.5Mpa design pressure? 壁厚 5mm以下的无缝钢管用于设计压力9.;5MPa的管线,能否采用普通手工电弧焊工艺代替氩弧焊打底、手工电弧焊盖面工艺施焊?
- This series welding machine integrate the characteristics of alternating/direct argon arc welding and hand welding. It is an internationally advanced multifunctional and multipurpose welding torch. 本系列焊机集交流/直流氩弧焊、交流/直流手工焊于一体,是一种具有国际先进水平的多功能、多用途焊机。