- Slosh: He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips. 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。
- He sloshed the paint on without bother to catch the drip. 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹
- He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips. 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。
- He sloshedthe paint on without bother to catch the drip. 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。
- Without bothering to think to a conclusion, Gerald jumped to a conclusion. 杰罗尔德不愿费脑筋找结论,他武断地下了结论。
- It amazes me how many programmers today write code without bothering to test it. 让我吃惊的是,今天有多少程序员在编写代码时不去考虑测试。
- Prejudice is a great time saver. It enables you to form opinions without bothering to get the facts. 偏见最能节省时间。它让你不需费力寻找真相就能建立对这件事情的看法。
- I immediately took down my quilt and rushed towards the entrance in the falling rain, without bothering to take the chair. 我第一时间将丝棉被收下来,抱着棉被,雨点已纷降,来不及收椅子了。
- But Rall was busy playing cards at a Christmas party that night, and he placed the note in his pocket without bothering to read it. 但拉尔正在圣诞晚会上忙着打牌,随手把便条放进口袋里,懒得阅读。
- He dwells on the fact that many Muslim men feel emasculated by the success of their women without bothering to wonder why so many of the women are successful. 他喜欢详述这样的事实:诸多穆斯林男子一旦耳闻身边的女人大获成功,就会觉得自己患了阳痿,十分窝囊。至于这些女人为何取得如此成功,作者便不愿深究了。
- Without bothering to go to a teahouse, he parked his rickshaw at the stand to the west of the Gate, called over a child selling tea from a large earthen pot, and swallowed two yellow bowls of wishy-washy liquid. 顾不得到茶馆去,他把车放在城门西的“停车处”,叫过提着大瓦壶,拿着黄砂碗的卖茶的小孩来,喝了两碗刷锅水似的茶;
- Don't bother to dress up come as you are. 用不着穿讲究衣服--就穿平常的衣服来吧。
- Not bothering to vote is a sure sign of defeatism. 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义。
- He didn't even bother to say thank you. 他甚至连说一声谢谢都不肯。
- You needn't bother to come to my office. 你不必特地来我办公室。
- Not bother to vote is a sure sign of defeatism. 连投票都不投,纯粹是失败主义
- We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up. 我们请她吃饭她都不露面。
- The Customs officer didn't bother to check our luggage. 海关官员根本没检查我们的行李。
- Don't bother to wipe up the dishes, just put them on the table. 碟子不用擦干,把它放在桌子上就行了。
- He slosh the paint on without bother to catch the drip 他把油漆胡乱往上一甩, 连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹