- No doubt, they have done so with ulterior motives. 这完全是别有用心。
- Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives. 他们的无端攻击是别有用心的。
- All Chinese people, unite! Those people with ulterior motives to see our strength! 所有的中国人,团结起来!让那些别有用心的人看看我们的力量!
- Denial of the truth and a small portion of unknown words for the Chinese people with ulterior motives! 不许使用不明真相及一小部分别有用心等字眼针对中国老百姓!
- There was no ulterior motive in his proposal. 他的建议里没有不可告人的动机。
- If things are really done in this way, all except those with ulterior motives will unite and take the road of national unification. 诚能如此,则苟非别有用心之徒,未有不团结一致而纳于统一国家之轨道者。
- No deep, sinister soul with ulterior motives could have given her fifteen cents under the guise of friendship. 没有一个老奸巨滑,心怀叵测的家伙能够在友谊的幌子下让她收下一毛钱。
- Recently, a number of network elements with ulterior motives played unscrupulously "pure Colombian hunband had! 最近网络上有一些别有用心的不/法分子丧心病狂地打出了“曾哥纯爷们!
- He has an ulterior motive for wanting to see her. 他想见她是别有用心的。
- If things are really done in this way,all except those with ulterior motives will unite and take the road of national unification. 诚能如此,则苟非别有用心之徒,未有不团结一致而纳于统一国家之轨道者。
- Secondly, we can not be people with ulterior motives use, a big fanfare of false reports before the official comment to,and treat all by calm. 第二,我们不能被别有用心的人利用,大肆宣扬不实的报道,在官方没评论前,千万要冷静对待一切
- Do not let your friends know your user name password that you use on the Net; so as to prevent people with ulterior motives from imposing you. 不要把自己在网上使用的密码;用户名称告诉朋友;以免别有用心的人冒用你的名字.
- Only the few core members who have seriously violated the law and those plotters and wire-pullers with ulterior motives are relentlessly punished. 我们所打击的只是极少数有严重违法犯罪活动的骨干和别有用心的幕后策划者、操纵者。
- Some Western media and politicians of the Beijing Olympic torch has such a profane, with ulterior motives, they are in the mix sports and politics. 一些西方媒体和政客之所以对北京奥运圣火如此亵渎,正在于他们别有用心地把体育与政治混为一谈。
- Nor can we take too lightly the so-called democrats and other persons with ulterior motives who flagrantly oppose the socialist system and Communist Party leadership. 还有公然反对社会主义制度和共产党领导的所谓“民主派”,以及那些别有用心的人。 对这些人也不能低估。
- My answer is: Yes, some aspirations, do not want to study, only just for the sake of comfort and enjoyment of present and people with ulterior motives fabricated. 我的回答是:是一些胸无大志,不愿学习,只贪图眼前舒服与享受的,又别有用心的人编造的。
- I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you. 我主动提出要帮助你是有私心的。
- His conduct points to an ulterior motive. 他的行为说明他有不可告人的动机。
- In the United States, Zhang continued her prevaricating, spewing stories slandering the work in the Shanghai children's welfare home. Obviously, she did all this with ulterior motives. 在美国,张淑云怀着不可告人的目的,继续捏造事实,诬蔑上海市儿童福利院的工作,这完全是别有用心的。
- Although some people with ulterior motives have continuously tried to belittle Hong Kong, they could not withhold the steps of multinationals to set up institutions and make investment in Hong Kong. 尽管一些别有用心的人不断贬低香港,但并没有阻挡跨国公司在港设立机构的脚步,而且不仅数量在增多,投资数额也在不断上升。