- Unions have nothing to do with skill training. 工会也不管技术培训。
- They competed with skill and tenacity. 他们竞争靠的是技术和顽强意志。
- She played the violin piece with skill and passion. (她很有技巧且满怀激情地演奏小提琴曲。)
- Joshua finished the dance routine with skill. 乔舒亚熟练的完成了他的这套舞蹈。
- He carries out this prerequisite with skill and sophistication. 他把这一步前提工作搞得巧妙周密。
- The trained teacher managed the children with skill. 这位训练有素的教师很熟练地管理儿童们。
- To handle(a weapon or tool,for example) with skill and ease. 轻就熟的使用(如武器、工具等)。
- He carried out this prerquisite with skill and sophistication. 他把前提工作搞得巧妙周密。
- He is quite experienced and always does a job with skill and ease. 他经验丰富,办起事来总是游刃有余。
- He carried out this prerequisite with skill and sophistication. 他把前提工作搞得巧妙周密。
- One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit. 讲轶事的人擅长讲故事和说轶事的人
- To handle(a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease. 操,挥驾轻就熟的使用(如武器、工具等)
- Recovery from this spell is shortend with skill in Light Magic. 魔法等级越高,施法的恢复时间越短。
- Eventually you will circulate in large groups with skill and self-assurance. 最终你就会熟练自信地在众人中周旋.
- He had a lot of natural talent to go with skills. 他的天赋与技能相得益彰。
- The latter is a cradle which educates laborers with skill and ability. 中等职业教育是培养有技能的高素质劳动者的摇篮。
- True sexual scintilla is mysterious, be without a relation with skill. 真正的性火花是神秘的,和技巧毫无关系。
- Vocational colleges can provide enterprises with skilled workers. 职业学院能为企业提供熟练工人.
- She play the piano with skill. 她钢琴弹得熟练。
- They may just need extra help with skills like reading or math. 他们仅仅需要例如阅读和数学方面技能的额外帮助。