- Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed; swift. 迅速的以极高速度运动,行动或发生的; 飞快的
- To move with great speed,force,or violence; hurtle. 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲
- They reached there with great speed. 他们很快到达了这里。
- She hit the ball back with great speed. 她快速将球打了回去。
- To move with great speed,force,or violence;hurtle. 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲
- The crew of the galley righted her with great speed. 划艇的人很快把小艇稳住了。
- Something,such as a fast train,moving with great speed. 高速运动的事物,如一列特快火车
- Hurl, To move with great speed, force, or violence; hurtle. 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲。
- To move with great speed, force, or violence; hurtle. 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲
- To proceed or perform with great speed, skill, or success. 全速进行,大获成功以很快的速度、高超的技巧或巨大的成功从事或完成
- Something, such as a fast train, moving with great speed. 高速运动的事物,如一列特快火车
- To move with great speed, force, or violence;hurtle. 快速移动快速、用力或猛地运动;猛冲
- The transistor can go from an OFF condition to an ON condition with great speed and minimal power. 晶体管能以极快的速度和极小的功率由“关”的状态转到“开”的状态。
- He moves with great speed. 他动作很迅速。
- The road we have long been traveling is smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. 我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,我们可以高速前进,但是走到尽头却要遇到灾难。
- The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. 我们一直在走的这条路容易使人误以为很好走,这条路是一条平坦的高速公路,我们可以高速前进,但灾难却在尽头。
- The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster . 但是并不像我们所熟习的罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗中所说的两条路是同样的好,这两条路并不一样好。
- Her mother is a woman with great refinement. 她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。
- The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. 我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,
- The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy,a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed,but at its end lies disaster. 如果我们总结出要承担一些无意义的风险,则不应该再接受那些人的建议用有毒的化学物品去实现我们的目的;