- She spoke with force and deliberation. 她讲话铿锵有力,字斟句酌。
- Ride out with force and valour in memory forever. 永远在对勇气和力量的驾驭中来回忆过去。
- Marked by or done with force and energy. 用力的,强劲的以力量和精力为标志的,用力量和精力从事的
- Mechanics is a science dealing with force and motion. 力学是一门有关力和运动的科学。
- trespass with force and arms resulting in injury to another's person or property. 用暴力侵犯别人的财产权或者人身安全的犯罪行为。
- with force and arms 用武力
- She sat with her hands clenched and arms crossed. 她坐在那里,攥着拳头,双臂交叉放着。
- She wore a white frock with pink bow on the breast and arms. 她穿着胸前和袖上嵌有粉红色蝴蝶结的雪白长衫。
- Newton did very little experimenting with force and motion, but done and in a sense, put it all together in his laws of motion and gravitation. 牛顿没有做过什么关于力和运动的实验,可是他知道伽利略和其他人做过的事,而且在某种意义上,他把这些都归纳到有关运动和万有引力的定律中去。
- In the crash he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms. 在事故中他头部和双臂受了重伤。
- Instructions: Sit on the chair and step on the footboard.Stretch legs with force and recover slowly. 坐在椅上,用力蹬脚踏板伸直腿,然后缓慢还原。
- This paper introduces a master-slave robot system with force and touch telepresence. 本文介绍了一种具有力觉触觉临场感的主从机器人系统。
- Newton did very little experimenting with force and motion,but done and in a sense,put it all together in his laws of motion and gravitation. 牛顿没有做过什么关于力和运动的实验,可是他知道伽利略和其他人做过的事,而且在某种意义上,他把这些都归纳到有关运动和万有引力的定律中去。
- With lightly closed fists and arms partially rais'd. 轻松地握着双拳,微微地摆着两臂。
- I play with force and to win every match but really the amount of reds I have been given is very excessive in my opinion. 我比赛的时候为了胜利会踢的很有压迫性,但是那些红牌对我来说判罚的太重了。”
- Nurture heroic individuals and arm them with power tools. 培养英雄个体并为他们配备强大的工具。
- "The characteristic reaction of the person on the street is to link Israel with force and the Jews with cleverness and wealth, but in the positive sense. “在街上的人的特征反应是与力量和犹太人与机灵和财富连接以色列, 但是在积极的理智上。”
- A rash had erupted all over his chest and arms. 他的胸部和手臂上突然出满疹子。
- Go, jump, dive, fall, etc. Suddenly and with force into sth. 纵身投入,一头进入。
- His knees and arms were raw and bleeding. 他的膝盖和手臂都擦破了,在流着血。